Vacation, KfH and Overdrafts

What a freaking, aggravating morning. Ah well, I’ll start off with the good news first, and maybe I’ll be in a better mood after I get it typed out.

The Boss came through for me. I don’t need to use extra vacation days (that I don’t have) in order to go to California for Christmas. I’m still taking two unpaid days, but that isn’t as bad as taking an unpaid week! The Prof will be relieve to hear that.

We tried to go to AAA last night to arrange for a rental car while we’re in CA, but they were CLOSED! Monday nights are supposed to be their late nights. *grumble* I’ll have to call this afternoon to find out what their new times are.

I’ve gotten in touch with a headhunter, to find out what other job options are out there for a veterinarian working in industry who has nil experience in private practice. I’m not really thinking of getting a new job, but I do want to know what my options are. It just seems prudent at this juncture.

I’ve spent much of the morning devoted to pest control on my other diary. There’s a virtual vermin that takes delight in leaving racial and sexual slurs on forums across the internet. He’s an intermittent pest at our board, and through that board has discovered the other Diary I keep. He left several colorful (if less than inventive) comments at that diary last night, which has required mop-up on my part, along with authorization changes at that Diary. Pain in the butt – especially since I can’t seem to get things set the way I want them to work and so have had to pester Matt about it. The situation is more aggravatiing than anything else, but the work involved has thrown my morning completely off schedule.

Kitten from Hell has discovered trash cans. More specifically, she’s discovered that great toys can be found within trash cans. One has only to tip them over to see what falls out of the toy chest. I thought the Professor was ready to seriously consider Kitten fricassee last night – he was the first one home and had to do clean up. I have discovered that a good way to keep KfH occupied and out of trouble is to put a piece of scotch tape on her head, between her ears. It drives her absolutely nuts that something is touching her that she can’t see, and for half an hour or more she’ll do backflips trying to get to the offending item, and run through the apartment attempting to get away from her poltergeist. The older two cats watched her do this with disdain in their eyes, so not only was I able to keep the Kitten out of trouble this way but I was able to provide amusement to the Tormented at the same time. I just hope that this trick doesn’t wear out too soon.

Finally, I somehow managed to overdraw my checking account. I have overdraft protection, but it’s expensive to have them automatically transfer money to cover an overdraft. I have no idea where I went wrong, but I’ve got to figure that one out fast. I had just commented to the Professor that I had more money in my Savings Account than I thought I did … I have a horrid suspicion now as to why that might be.

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