KfH Rides Again!

The Professor, in an effort to keep the Enemy at bay, removed Kitten from Hell from her yowling position outside the bedroom door in the wee hours of this morning and banished her to the bathroom (the last bastion of kitten-proof territory).

This is what awaited me when I arose and headed for the head this morning:

She’s discovered the toilet paper is even more fun when it isn’t hung up, apparently, having stolen it from the back of the tank. She had to work at getting my comb – that is wedged behind the faucet at the sink. While I was scolding her, she darted into the tub for cover. After she was in there for fifteen seconds or so, I realized it didn’t sound like she was chastened at all, but instead sounded like she was having a great time in there.

NO!!!!!!!! Not my turtle tubby toy! I’ve had that for … OK, never mind how long I’ve had it, but it’s probably older than most of my readers. How dare she?

In all, KfH has had a rough morning of play and mayhem. She’s currently resting up on my lap as I type this entry. Fink.

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  1. right now i’m showing ms.sheera-cat these pics and telling her that this is NOT how to behave! but she’s too busy licking her paw! 😉

    KfH is gorgeous though, what a beautiful coat and color!

  2. Wow Kitten is a tinker ! >>>> now I have TP here looking and thinking," I too love the bathroom but never thought to step in the bath ? "

    Hmmm maybes ……

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