What a terrible thought.

Apparently, science can now clone Kitten from Hell. I could have a little army of KfH’s running rampant through the apartment. I strongly suspect that their destructive capacity would increase logarithmically rather than arithmetically with the addition of each new KfH.

Rainbow, the biological “mother” with cc (carbon copy), her clone

Notice how pudgy cc is? Turns out she’s a from a litter of one. Talk about all the milk you can drink. I hope that she gets lots of quality play time from the researchers and staff. And I hope they keep her away from the test tubes and other glassware. She has that same look on her face that KfH came to my apartment with. Half angel, half imp. A terrible combination. They can do anything, and you always end up forgiving them. The full story can be found at the New York Times website at What Is Warm and Fuzzy Forever? With Cloning, Kitty.

I have also taken up SecretPoo’s challenge for poo poetry:


My magnetic poo-poem

naked sound of gift on water

long ripe fermented poo

spray hits soft butt skin

I sit and think of life

as the goddess crap fish

swims slowly beneath me


I took pictures of that and the egg poem. I’ll post them in my diary later.

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