
So my MELD score dropped from 22 to 18. Apparently, according to my lab work, I’m getting healthier.

Yeah, right.

All I’m getting at the moment is more bloated; I gained four and a half pounds over the last two days alone, and I suspect all of it is fluid. My elastic-waist slacks now serve more as a tourniquet than as apparel. The Socialist keeps thumping me to see if the melon is ripe yet (just kidding about that).

Tomorrow I get my follow-up mammogram and whatever related stuff they deem necessary to figure out what the suspicious spot is. My doctor was good

enough to squeeze me into his schedule after I’m done with that, and so I get to go from the mammogram directly to the hospital to get this damned fluid drained off of me. It’s only been two and a half weeks since the last paracentesis, and I’m not entirely pleased by this trend of more frequent taps. It only increases my chances of getting peritonitis. I find ironic though, is the fact that even though I’m starting to back up with enough fluid to rival the Hoover Dam, I’m actually considered to be healthier by our friends at UNOS (United Network for Organ Sharing), the national group that oversees the decision making process on who gets a new organ. I suppose it’s nice to know that someone is optimistic about me.

To “ice” the cake, we’re expecting the first snowstorm of the season in these parts tomorrow. Depending on which news service you listen to, we’re to get 3 to 6 inches. The Socialist had agreed to drive me to the doctor’s appointments tomorrow, but I’m going to give him a chance to back out tonight. I know that, as a native Californian, driving in the snow is not one of his more favorite pastimes.

Hope the snow doesn’t slow down your trip, Tex.

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