Like Yoda, I feel.

Unexpected, this. In flux things are. From the highest level change comes. And like any situation where a boulder is dropped from the highest level, it’s the people on the lower levels that have a tendency to be squooshed.

My job description will be changing. I don’t know to what, though. That, apparently, is still under discussion. No one is yet in a position to tell me. From the questions I’ve been asked though,I fear I will be asked to take on more than is appropriate, more than my training and experience have prepared me for.

This is not to say I couldn’t grow into the position. But to give me these new responsibilities cold, with no back-up or experienced person to help me along the learning curve would be disasterous.

Geez, get the oil changed in your car changed and come in a little late, and the next thing you know someone’s gone and pruned some branches on the corporate tree. Now, I’m not one of the little birds whose perch was on the branch involved, but the branch was a couple of tiers directly over my head. I haven’t figured out yet if this means I’ll get more sunlight down here, or if I’m about to be conked on the head by a big branch with a bunch of disgruntled birds sitting on it.

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  1. Quite appropriate I’d say – I find yoda to be very wise.

    This will either be an exciting opportunity for growth or it will spur you on to continue researching the possibility of teaching. Good luck, and be sure to keep your eyes open for falling debris.


  2. By golly, I think we not only posted our entries at the same exact time, but we commented on each other’s diaries at the same time as well…


    What color golf ball do you want?

  3. Gotta love Corporate America. At least it is rarely dull in this day and age of reorganisation and downsizing. Hope things work out ok. Here is sending you some good karma……If the karma thing doesn’t work, I have a voodoo doll I will loan you 😉

  4. Something seems to be wrong with the notify list. I haven’t gotten notifications that you updated your diary in several days. I thought you’d simply taken an Internet hiatus, and I missed all this!

    I’m sure you’ll do just fine with your new responsibilities. Just think of it as a great opportunity to prove yourself and gain new skills. Yeah, that’s it.

    I just now tried to sign up for your notify list again, but I got some strange screens which are to be used to make you TexanElf’s "friend". It never asked for my email address, either. I have a feeling I’m still not going to get notifications. I don’t want to miss any of your entries so I guess if it doesn’t work I’ll just have to check in here routinely.

  5. is that how squooshed is spelled. I don’t knwo why maybe becasue I’ve been awake for about 30 hours now but just seeing the word has had me cracking up for about 5 minutes now.

    remeber to look down also while watching for the branch

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