Teeny little crystal balls

Tonight I try my hand at making class beads. With my Kreskin-like ESP I sense a bunch of “playing with fire” jokes coming my way. No matter. It’s a five-week course at the local high school, one night a week. It was relatively inexpensive, and it will give me something else to do other than hunt for jobs and care for cats. The Prof is, by my own estimation, somewhat bemused by this. When I first told him I was taking the course, he thought it was a course on making bead jewelry (which I’ve been playing at on my own) rather than making the beads themselves. I’m not even sure I can justify taking the course, except that I had fun in my undergraduate days making glassware for organic chemistry experiments, and always wanted to play around with glass in a more decorative way. I’m not sure that I see me doing much of this after the course, but who knows … if I show some real aptitude at this….

I’m also attending a two day veterinary conference not far from here this week. It’s mostly small animal, but the price is right, the continuing education credits are always useful, and it might be a chance to do some job networking. We’ll see.

Meanwhile, the snow is melting, the sun is shining, and I saw a bunch of robins over the weekend (all male, and I’m actually not sure if they ever left the area this year). With Spring comes Hope. And a bunch of freeze-dried daffodils that poked their heads out of the ground way too early this year.

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One Comment

  1. Yeah… Make the beads then make the jewelry, key chains and whatnot out of the beads… This could become a cottage industry for you. You never know. Maybe a line of cat necklaces? Who knows? Could be fun, and is definitely industrious.

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