Rash and Decisions

My list of whinge-able items has begun to shrink. Much of the shrinkage is in direct proportion to the resolution of my little shingles attack. I’m two days completely off the pain drugs now, and while the skin is still sensitive (very sensitive at times) I can now easily tolerate most of the discomfort. The…


Couldn’t take it any more. I pushed through most of the morning feeling slightly sick. Sitting down is, pardon the pun, a pain in the ass. I felt progressively worse as the morning wore on, but I was determined to make it into work for my 2:00 start time. By 1:30 my feelings had grown…

Collecting them all

Some people are bird watchers. Other people spot trains, or collect baseball cards or try to visit all fifty states. Me? I get to add another disease to my lifetime sick list. Actually, I guess I get to add two diseases, since chicken pox hadn’t previously bee on the list either. I don’t know what…

Rash Actions

*sigh* I was beginning to think I’d be able to hold onto my good health for 2011. That’s all I ask for. One good year. The Fates are contrary/ornery/just plain mean. I actually don’t know what the problem is. It started Monday this week with a general sensitivity in my lower back. I figured I’d…