Happy Survivor Day.

Perhaps this is some sort of mild PTSD, where I just can’t let go of that point in time where my life jumped the shark and became a medical situation comedy instead of an infomercial with all the seductiveness of leftover meatloaf. I’ve come to feel that the situation comedy should be canceled, but at…

To Welshie …

Of COURSE laughter is denial. It’s spitting into the wind because you’re sure that you can duck faster than Fate blows. It’s tickling the belly of a cat who hates its belly tickled because *this* time she might realize she likes being tickled. Laughter is walking right up to the edge of the cliff because…

Meet Poindexter

The plan wasn’t to go out and adopt a cat. The plan was to visit cats at local adoption centers because someday, maybe, I might want to adopt another cat. I’ve been visiting adoption groups for months, just making friends and looking at who was available. I was thinking about another little grey female, like…

In Which The Salamander Crawls Out from Under Her Rock and Sees Her Shadow

Have I truly made no entries since before Christmas? Granted, my overambitious goal of one-a-day entries fell by the wayside many years ago. Weekly updates, ditto. But apparently even the (once) obligatory Christmas/New Year entry got lost this time around. I have spent the past month or so re-reading all my entries from beginning to…

So fleeting …

It became clear a week ago Tuesday that there was no kindness in waiting. It was sooner than expected, but sometimes expectations are more hope than reality. The night before, she crept next to my pillow as I lay awake. I feared it was the last time, and tried to memorize the feel of soft,…