California, here I come

No, not a permanent move. Yet. But I will be out there for a week in August. I purchased the tickets for the Professor and myself Sunday night, and made arrangements for the rental car yesterday evening. This is all stuff that my husband used to do, and I can feel myself shedding insecurities as I learn that doing this stuff really isn’t that complicated. At this rate, I might even survive the trauma of doing my first tax return form in 22 years next year!

The Professor and I will be spending relatively little time in California, actually. We’ll fly into California, and spend a little time with his folks, but then we’ll take off for Oregon. I’ve never been to Oregon, but have wanted to visit all the West Coast states since I was a kid. The Professor and I have a “virtual” friend in Oregon that we met once in the flesh last Christmas, and we’re looking forward to meeting up with him as well. So the countdown begins: 53 days till vacation.

I have a convention to go to for business in Boston in July (blast … that’s coming up soon, isn’t it?), so that’s another week off of work in 24 days. Damn, I might survive this summer after all. Why, oh why did the Fourth of July have to fall on a Wednesday this year? No three-day weekend out of this holiday for the pathetic Salamander.

The Professor and I played miniature golf yesterday evening (I got out of work early enough to take advantage of the before 5:00 discount rates). He beat the pants off of me … again. It looks like I shall have to learn to settle for more wins at Trivial Pursuit, although he’s catching up in that category as well. What he isn’t catching up with is the dishes. Again. [insert low threatening grumble here]

Regarding the recent discussions on religion that I’ve been popping in and out of on some of the other diaries: I really want to make it clear that I am not out to belittle anyone else’s beliefs. I’ve spent a lot of my life considering and reconsidering my feelings on religion. I am comfortable with my beliefs, but I’m not out to win converts to my point of view. I do like discussing my view of life, the universe and everything. And I am enjoying reading about other’s beliefs, and how they arrived at them.

Others say they can’t look at a night sky or a baby or the ocean without seeing God. For me, it is enough to take in the bewildering display of the universe around me and know it is. To attempt to explain its existence through the act of a Supreme Being only lessens the experience for me. Existence is its own reason, and needs no other. But that’s just me.

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  1. have fun in Cali! If my wife and i ever went Splitsville, i’d be in serious trouble. She does most of the complicated stuff…i’m kind of an flake…

    i certainly agree with you last sentiment. i think it is one thing that keeps me from religion. i have gotten to a point where i am so fascinated with ancient culture and the stars and everything else, that the remarkable thing to me is that it is here. It does exist…that is inspiring to me, not that some supreme being (no anchovies please) created it.

  2. I am soooo jealous! I can’t wait to hear how you like California upon your return. You don’t know how much I wish I was going too! Have you been there before?

    About the religious talk… I don’t take offense to anything anyone says about it. Everyone has their own beliefs and that’s fine with me. I like people to be honest about their thoughts and feelings, regardless of what they might be. It’s way better than pretending to agree with something you don’t.

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