YES. KfH will get

her thoughts separated from her intentions on Friday!!!!!! I’ve got her scheduled for her spay Friday. If this doesn’t slow her down, nothing will!!!!!!

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  1. hmmm…did that feline acne ….appear after the new kitty?…because I remember once my girlie had raw open skin around an eye …after we had gotten a new kitten…

    I always wondered what that was…it cleared up shortly after the new kitty disappeared one day.

  2. My uncle once told me he had ringworm and that each day he had to pull about an inch out of his stomach and cut it off until it was all gone. I was so grossed out by that! And of course, being the blonde child I was, I believed every word he told me. Man..did he tell me some dandies.

    I recently had to deal with an issue on cat misbehavior. My cat was not using her litter box after many years. We had her tested several times when she would start the bad habits and she was healthy as can be. So the vet told us to lock her up at night. We did that for about 3 weeks and it seemed to have worked. We did put soft music on for her. Her mood has been better ever since too! She’s much more socialable. I think she’s getting a better night sleep.

  3. Good grief! I just realized I’d missed your back entries (because I’m still not getting notifications…) Anyway, although totally disgusting, it was interesting learning about cat acne! Hope it and the fungus clear up soon. And today (Fri) is KfH’s spay day, eh? You’re in for a calm weekend, I suspect.

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