Coming out on top.

One reason we admire cats is for their proficiency in one-upmanship. They always

seem to come out on top, no matter what they are doing, or pretend they do.

Barbara Webster

I’ve been sitting at my desk worrying all morning. Clueless Wonder seems to be quite over whatever kitty flu he caught, but ACfH vomitted once before I left for work today, and refused her breakfast (!). It’s like having kids – one of them catches something, and you just watch it move through the whole bunch of them. Fortunately, ADfH has no other medical considerations, so even if she has caught the Bug I don’t have as much to worry about. If she is sick, I’ll have to cancel our weekend trip again though. I just wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving them unattended for the bulk of the day if one of them is feeling off. I suspect the Elder Sister wouldn’t feel too comfortable sitting for a sick kitty anyhow. To say that I’m disappointed I may have to cancel this weekend is an understatement, though. Cats may always seem to come out on top, but Salamanders seem to spend a fair amount of time on the losing side of things. Oh well, there’s always my week off in August to look forward to, if we don’t get away this weekend.

I get a monthly newsletter from the Docent Council at the Zoo, (I’ve remained on Associate status these past eight years). It’s one of those folded over and stapled things. The June newsletter arrived yesterday. When I pulled the staple out and opened the newsletter, an envelope fell out. My first thought was that one of my old friends had heard I was coming back and took advantage of the mass mailing to send me a card. When I looked at it more closely though, I could see that it wasn’t intended for me at all. In fact, it looked rather like a wedding invitation, addressed to someone in a town about thirty miles from where I live. I didn’t open it, but I debated what to do about it. I tried to look the sender up in the phone book, but her name wasn’t listed in the town shown as her return address. It would have been nice to let her know that one of her invitations would be arriving late, but since I couldn’t find a way to do that I simply dropped the envelope back in the mail. Hopefully it gets to its destination promptly after its little detour.

The Prof and I decided to play miniature golf on the spur of the moment last night. It was definitely not my night – the Prof beat me by twelve strokes. It was fun though, and good to be outside doing something for a bit. I’ll exact my revenge next time we play Trivial Pursuit.

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  1. There is a certain strange joy i take in miniature golf. i am unsure if it is the boy in me, or just the idea of playfully lampooning a rather snobbish and elitist game…

    Placing the invitation back in the mail was nice. You would be amazed at the number of mean-spirited things people do because they can.

  2. ACK! Not our CfH getting sick too! What is that about best laid plans?

    Thanks for helping me out with the thumbnails, I like the way yours open up in a new window. I will have to practice, I didn’t realize that I have to play with the pic with another program—I may be too lazy for that.

  3. oh no, not acfh, too! sorry you’re missing another weekend excursion. i guess that’s what it means to be a good mom.

    three day weekend ahead, though. hope you can enjoy it.

  4. Aww… *Get better soon hugs for ACfH*

    Miniature golf… always wanted to have a go at it but never had the chance. I like Trivial Pursuit very much though :).



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