Cats, computers, and that thing behind you.

“Always turn and look when your cat gazes behind you with that intent look in her eyes.

Some day there might actually be something there.”

– Anonymous

I spent the bulk of last night working on a quick web-site to put some pictures from work on. We’ve seen three cases of a genetic disease in the last fifteen months in a species that has no reports of carrying the defective gene (in the US). When I saw the first case last March I thought it was just a fluke, a spontaneous mutuation unlikely to be repeated. When the second one came through in early January we were just too overwhelmed to do much more about it than take pictures and file the info away for future reference. When the third case came in on Monday of this week though, it was time to start taking this seriously.

I’ve been in touch with the professor I continue to consider my mentor at my veterinary school. He’s fairly excited about this (pathologists get excited about the most amazing things). He’s using his university access to do some literature searches for me, while I arrange to ask around at other companies to see if they’ve seen anything like this. I have to believe that this disease is not only present in the US population, but far more prevalent than anybody realizes. This is a fairly exciting find, easily the most significant thing I’ve come across since graduating from veterinary school four years ago. Gripe as I might about my job, this is still an exciting field to be in.

But I digress. I wanted a quick and dirty website to put the pictures taken at our site of the third case out on the web so that others I contact can see what I’m talking about. With luck, I’ll get the pictures of the second case out there today. There are a lot of pictures, and I took them all at the highest resolution possible, so they take up far too much space to email. I’ve rediscovered the fun of coding in html. I really should take time to learn CSS as well.

Clueless Wonder was at my side at the computer for much of the evening. He must have been feeling a bit “needy” last night; he kept putting his paw up on my leg as if to say, “I’m right down here. Don’t forget about me.” He even crawled up on my lap for five or ten minutes – no mean feat, since he really doesn’t fit well on my lap (or anyone else’s). That ended with Adolescent Cat from Hell deciding that he’d usurped her lap, and kicking him off. There are times it’s nice to be fought over, but I did feel badly for CW, even though he rather unconcernedly strolled over to the sofa and happily dozed off there instead.

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  1. Thanks for asking about Jamison’s arm. I answered in my diary, but figured I’d answer here in case you don’t get back to my diary today. (Although I posted some pics I’d love for you to see.) Anyway,

    Jamison’s arm was drooping down and forward a bit. The doctor says that is common for this sort of break. So they re-adjusted it by cutting a little wedge out of the cast and pushing the wrist in a more upward position and then putting in a plastic block in the space, then re-casting over the cut spot.

  2. Your discovery sounds interesting and intriguing.

    Is whatever is mutating bad or good? You are going to do an article on it as I recall? One of the vets I worked for had a paper published he did (darn if I can remember on what), he was very proud of it, and rightfully so. I read it, but didn’t understand a thing. Might be fun to read it now after all my a & p.

  3. *~Salamander~*

    A genetic disease, ya I would to see pictures of this, thats very interesting to hear about.

    LoL, your cats are funny, but arent they all?! My cat magick, whos all black excepet a few strands of white on her chest was in my lap cuddling, until she saw something outside,lol. She’s standng by the door now…LoL


  4. New challenges are what make a job worthwhile. I hope you’ll be able to help those animals (not sure how serious porphyria (?) is, although I’ve heard the word …)

    I too feel sorry for my older cat when the younger one pushes her out of the way. It’s so darn rude! 😉

  5. so, when will you talk about this mutation on a discovery channel documentary, dr salamander?

    i wonder why cw was needier? that acfh…..disrespecting her elders.

  6. How great that you get excited about your job. That’s the kind of a job I want, too. Not your job (LOL we all know how great I am in math, chem and physics) but a job I really am interested in.

    Aww, CW sounds so adorable. *Sends him a big hug*



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