Fuzzy mice, movies and a purse.

I think what makes us [cat people] feel superior is not that we have a cat in our homes,

but that a cat has found us acceptable to live with.

There’s a thrill in that that a dog owner will never know.

-Haskel Frankel, Foreword to Dr. L. J. Camuti’s book “All My Patients Are Under the Bed – Memoirs of a Cat Doctor”


Ah yes, the cats have found us acceptable to live with. I found ACfH’s lost cache of fuzzy mice again, with the Professor’s assistance. I’m missing a couple of jewel cases for CD’s (I suspect, but cannot prove, ACfH has had a hand in it) and so was searching under anything it could be remotely possible for them to fit under. The new sofa has virtually no floor clearance because it is convertable to a bed, but there is perhaps a quarter-inch gap between it and the floor. The Prof tipped the sofa back for me so I could get a clear look underneath it. No jewel cases were there, but there were six fuzzy mice, a couple of pom-pom balls, a toy fish and a used Kleenex. My guess on the used Kleenex is that, once ACfH ran out of kitten toys she got creative.

The weekend itself was straightforward. I paid bills, reconciled my bank accounts, worked on an on-line project that I’ve been intending to get to for perhaps ten years now, and played fetch with ACfH for what seemed like forever. Several sesssions of forever, as a matter of fact. Sunday night The Prof and I trundled ourselves over to the Elder Sister’s house for my birthday bash. This year I got no checks! Younger Sister gave me an intricate fetish necklace, and Elder Sister gave me a purse (!) and billfold. Both are very nice (Etienne Aigner) but I’m not sure what to do with them. The billfold is far too large to fit in my pocket, which is where I usually carry my wallet. It’s very elaborate, with places for countless cards and a check book, and has two large zip-up pockets. The purse is designed along the lines of a thin back-pack, and is fairly practical as I measure such things. Problem is, I use a purse maybe twice a year, for dress-up. I suppose I could use these for weekends, but it would be a pain switching cards and money back and forth between the two wallets. Well, I’ll hold them aside for the time being. One never knows when such items will come in useful.

Saturday night the Prof and I rented “The Others” (it was the Prof’s turn to pick a film). I would have never selected that one myself, but I’m glad The Prof did, because it was far better than I expected. It turned out to be a haunted house story with a twist (several twists, in fact), and while I guessed at a few of the twists correctly, I missed the biggest one of all completely. While the Prof was making his selection, I spent some time exploring at the video rental place. They’ve gotten a lot of new DVD’s in, including some great classic stuff. Best of all, they finally have “Cool Hand Luke”! Next time we rent a DVD it’s my turn to pick; we’ll be in and out of there in a flash.

Sunday night we wound down after returning home by watching another episode of The Prisoner. There’s only four more to go until we’ve gone through the entire set. I have to give a look at the final DVD – I’m hoping that an interview I saw broadcast on PBS with Patrick McGoohan is on that disc. It’s been great going through the entire series again – it’s stood up rather well against the test of time.

And with that, break is over, and I’m back to work.

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  1. I’ve been wanting to see The others forever! Nobody will watch scary movies with me except my mom, and she’s a bit far away for that. Glad to hear it was good anyway!

  2. Oh man, and here I was thinking at least today’s pain wasn’t migraine. Well, I told my mum what you said and she told she’s gonna get a doc appointment for later this week.

    Thanks for telling me…

    Have a productive day at work! *Hug*



  3. I loved The Others, as well. I was certain it would be yet another virtually plotless ghost story, but it kept me guessing. And wasn’t Nicole Kidman fabulous as the mother? Those children were just creepy…Child actors in ghost stories always give me the shivers.


  4. I really liked "The Others" too, and hadn’t expected it to have such a clever twist.

    The purse/wallet dilemma is ongoing for me. I used to have one of those "healthy back bags" before they were called that. It was a simple, small cotton bag, but it finally wore out. My husband bought me one of the new ones that has about 3 million pockets.

  5. it has only been since i moved to chicago that i’ve carried a bag. i like travelor’s packs. anything girly is relegated to ‘funeral and wedding’ status.

    once you start carrying a bag, you end up keeping it full of more and more crap. some of it is due to a spousal unit that takes advantage of the sack.

  6. Don’t know if the birthday banking fund will be reinstituted or not, Slip. Certainly not by me, anyhow! This has got to be the first time in a decade no check involved in the festivities. It was quite a surprise, though not an unwelcome one. I’m already thinking that the brown handbag will come in handy for airline travel (purses don’t count as carry ons, so it gives me a little extra packing space). The Elder Sister may have actually come up with something I could really use.

  7. Ooo, The Others.

    I loved that movie.

    Still do.

    I’m glad he picked it, too, because it is awesome. You’d never have suspected that…well, you know *no movie spoiler here*.

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