
The paracentesis did not go as well today as I had hoped. We only got 5.5 liters out of me. There was definitely more fluid in my abdomen, but we couldn’t get it to move into the pocket where the needle was inserted, so we couldn’t drain it. My bleeding times have greatly increased, and I bleed and bruise easily now. Dr. Liver didn’t want to chance repositioning the needle because doing so could start bleeding into the peritoneal cavity, something we definitely don’t want. I’ll expand with fluid much more rapidly this cycle, because there’s already several liters in there to begin with, so we’ve set the next paracentesis date for ten days from now instead of two full weeks. This means, unfortunately, that I don’t get to make a three day weekend out of it, and have a couple of days to recuperate before I go back to work.

Of course, it’s difficult to stay depressed with three insane felids in the house. All three cats are sharing my computer room as I type this, approaching critical cat mass. Here Kitten plays with a fuzzy mouse in the sunbeam while Cattitude watches on less than benignly. Seconds after this picture was taken, mouse games turned into war games.

Here Cattitude watches the Kitten with deep misgivings. This is not a cat to be messed with!

Kitten soon figured out that fun and games were over, and went out the door carrying her mouse with her. Cattitude, winner and still champion of the kitty pride, watches the door with satisfaction.

The O’Beast, meanwhile, remains unimpressed. He has his window sill sling, the best spot of sun, and a safe vantage point from which to ignore the proceedings. All is well with his world.

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  1. Awwww, sorry to hear they got so little this time.I guess its better you having a little extra on board, than puncture something.

    The pictures are just beautiful.

    Just be glad they are playing with the mouse, rather than with the cords a and lines to the computer.Thats my problem, LOL

    Hang in there.


  2. Grrrrr….. I never get to leave the first comment. I trieddddddddddddd!!!!!!!


    ps…email me before you do a update next time, so at least I get a chance. LOL

  3. We love kitty pics!!

    Tex and I were looking at websites for the local shelters last night. We saw some nice homeless doggies. I’m not sure if we’re ready to jump yet, though.

    Cats are problematic since she’s allergic to their fur.

  4. Bummer on the tap. To bad it is going to throw your recovery time off.

    Love the pictures—you once again captured their thoughts so clearly. KfH2 has a mouse like that, it is his favorite.

  5. I’ve just had an opportunity to catch up on my reading of your diary so this comment is out of place.

    I work for a law firm that does handle malpractice cases. Not once have we taken a malpractice case that did not have merit. Doctors are a close net community. They will not provide expert testimony unless there is negligence involved. No one is perfect, although I have met many a doctor that places himself above all others. Doctors are not Gods. Although some feel they are.

    Many people are unable to tell the difference between negligence and complications. I cannot tell you how many people we have turned away as clients because of complications, such as infection. The doctors and/or their staff are not responsible for that, unless, of course, they didn’t sterilize their instruments. In that case it would be negligence.

    If a parent dies as a result of negligence, any monies received in a settlement or judgment are administered through the courts for the minor children. The surviving spouse has a claim for loss of consortium. Suddenly a family is torn apart.

    When I had my children, via c-section, the doctor scheduled both of them on her LUNCH HOUR. So she has an hour to deliver the baby, what if there are complications? As there were in my case with my daughter? Don’t get me wrong, I loved my doctor and she gave me the best care, but when I over heard her telling the nurses she had appointments starting at 1:15 p.m….. well I was not happy.

    What about the doctors that know that negligence is involved and refuse to step forward. Should a doctor continue practicing after one mistake after another.

    In the case you are talking about it is one of the most blantent cases of malpractice I have ever seen. There are so many safety measures in place it should never have happened. It did though because several people did not do their JOB.

    Doctors, hospitals and others need to be responsible for their actions when they are negligent.

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