Sleepless Pill
My first flush of enthusiasm for the new sleeping pills has faded into a dull disappointment. Monday night’s miracle drug turned into Wednesday night’s drug of torture.
Following directions, I took the sleeping pill about 9:30 last night. It is supposed to have a short period of onset, and they warn you not to take the drug unless you’ll have eight free hours to sleep afterwards.
10:00 – I’m in bed, tucking myself in and making myself comfortable. The prospect of another good night’s sleep is making me feel warm and fuzzy.
11:00 – Still awake. Tired, but awake. Decide it’s my bladder’s fault, and get up to void it. Return directly to bed.
12:00 – Hear The Socialist come in from his evening at the gym. Toss, re-adjust pillow, grumble at alarm clock.
1:00 – Am absolutely exhausted. I don’t see straight, and standing up to make a bathroom run is a challenge. Managed to navigate to and from the resstroom without toppling myself or anything else.
2:00 – Still exhausted, but now stomach starts to grumble. Roll over and try to ignore it.
3:00 – Give up and stumble down to kitchen. Eat grapefruit, apparently without spraying everything in a five foot radius with the grapefruit wedgies. Grumble to Socialist, who is getting ready to go to bed. Follow him up soon afterward.
4:00 – Beginnings of true sleep-deprivation psychosis set in. Am sure I see blinking lights like fireflies marching around the bedroom. I rub my eyes. The fireflies go away.
5:00 – Consider just giving up and going into work early instead.
8:00 – Wake up, quite unrefreshed. Drag tardy carcass to work.
I don’t think I can do another night of that.
I’ve a call pending to Dr. Liver regarding next Friday’s appointment at the Big City Hospital. Haven’t heard back yet.
that stinks. i hope you get some sleep tonight…
Argh! Poor you! 🙁
What medication is it?
I’m taking Ambien (Zolpidem), 5 mgs, MRG.
Calvin takes ambien at times. And found out that taking a whole one does him the same way. If he takes about 1/3 he sleeps like a baby and is refreshed.
The best way to induce sleep is to have great sex!
Next time try a dose of the Socialist! It’s safe, natural and might just work. 😉
OH, I am so sorry the Ambien isn’t working for you. It works for me like, well, a dream. Of course I take 10 mgs., but I’ve had no difficulty with it. I find that even if I have as little as five hours to sleep I can still get up and function quite effectively. I hope you find something that works for you.
So good to stop by and visit you this morning.
I am hoping you will get your much needed sleep soon.
take care,
how frustrating, especially since its a pill thats supposed to make you sleep
im really sorry to hear that 🙁