Disability – Day 1

I slept until ten o’clock this morning. It was a sound sleep, relatively uninterrupted, amounting in all to about ten hours worth. I’m sure the Ambien had a hand in that, but I’ve had insomniac nights even with the Ambien, so I suspect a good part of it was sheer exhaustion. I’d been sleeping like this on weekends already, but I put it down to catching up on lost sleep from the week. I wonder now if it isn’t that I actually need 10 hours sleep in my present state. I hope not. Given a choice, I’d rather not sleep half my life away.

I don’t know if I mentioned in my last entry that I lost my cell phone during the reunion dinner over the weekend. If I didn’t, consider it mentioned now. I could ring the number and listen to it waiting for someone to pick up, but evidently that was insufficient to bring it out of whatever hiding place it had elected to secrete itself when it jumped ship from my zipped purse. (I know, I know, it couldn’t have been lost if my purse were zipped the whole time, but I swear to whatever powers hold sway on the universe that I never went into my purse once during the dinner, and I have a witness that saw me put the phone in my purse immediately before entering the building where we ate.)

Regardless of my protestations, the phone remains lost. I gave it Sunday and Monday to give itself up to authorities, but when that failed to happen I wrote it off as an expensive mistake and headed over to Cingular to put things right. They no longer sell the model I had, of course, so I ended up having to get a completely different phone, which meant getting a new holster, hands-free set and car-recharger as well. I really must learn to make less expensive mistakes.

To salve my feelings, I took my trusty little Prius to the car wash and had it washed and vacuumed. The guys at the car wash were taken a bit aback by my lovely wheels. At first I thought it was the fact that I had such a technologically advanced car that impressed them, but soon realized it was because they had no idea how to put the thing into drive. sigh Well, at least I remain enthralled with my little efficient transport.

On the way home I stopped at Wallymart and got some herb seeds, some hanging basket brackets, and a cute little minature yellow rose bush for out front. Evidently my soul of souls felt I hadn’t yet spent enough money. The roses are very full and bright for minis though. To be honest, I still wish I’d gotten those red and white minis they were selling in front of the local supermarket over Easter. I looked at them and then passed them by one too many times though. He who hestitates is a loser.

I came home to find The Socialist just getting ready to leave for his second go-round at the college. One last final tonight, and then he has spring break. It will be nice to spend some real time together with him (after he finishes grading the little turnips’ papers, of course). At least going out on disability this week gave me that perk.

So far tonight I’ve mostly just played couch potato and vegetated. I seem to have lost one pair of my reading glasses, the pair with the neat beaded neck-chain. I’m thinking of super-glueing things to my body so I can’t lose them, but I suspect if I tried that I’d simply get lost myself.

For some reason, while sitting in the living room with the television off, I suddenly broke out in tears. I’m not talking the little dribbly sniffles kind, but big gasping sobs. I have no idea why.

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  1. It’s not like you haven’t earned a good body wracking sob fest. You feel better now don’t you?

    Good luck gluing your cell and glasses to your body. (Are you SURE you’re not Crusty?)

    They will turn up and I can’t wait to hear where you find them hiding.

  2. Considering the stress you’re under–physically and mentally–I might me able to imagine why. Heck, even losing your cell phone would be reason enough in my eyes.


  3. It’s been a lot of stress… a sob-fest was probably overdue. I know I sometimes just start crying for no reason… did that the first day of my vacation myself. I think I was just so relieved to be away. Not sure though. Anyway, hugs to you and hope that you enjoy the time off even if you do feel a little weird about it at first. Love, Jen

  4. Pali,

    I found two reasons for bud drop.

    1. Cold weather

    2. Soil too dry (Oops! I feared over watering)

    Can’t really do anything about cold weather unless you cover the plants at night.

    Dry soil, water and cover with mulch.

    You lost your phone and glasses yesterday.

    You aren’t here today and I wonder…………


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