
So, did I mention I have my camera talking to my computer talking to the photo-software again? The only problem is that the software doesn’t recognize some old photos I had taken previously and stored on it. I strongly suspect that I restored with a back-up version the software itself created, and not with the current photo file. When I get a free moment, I’m going to fiddle around with it some more, and see if I can get the software and those photo files talking to each other.

I’m turning into the Henry Kissinger of my computer, mediating all sorts of disputes, and occasionally coming to compromises. It’s very discouraging.

One of my Christmas cactuses at work (left over from Christmas, of course) is preparing to bloom again. All four of my Christmas cactuses are on the window sill of my office. I have no idea why this one only decided to go ahead and bud again. I suppose it knows what it’s doing, though.

My primroses look great, but something has dug up one of the pink primroses all around the base, so that the entire root-ball is exposed. I’m guessing it was a squirrel looking for its lost goodies. I found a fair number of subterranean peanuts while planting my flowers, all of which I disposed of. I honestly didn’t think anyone would come looking for them at this late date.

I refuse to feel guilty because I threw out some squirrel’s breakfast. Besides, he uprooted my primrose. I’m willing to call it “even”.

Got a clean bill of health from Dr. Liver yesterday. He’s not happy with my neurologist though, and wants me to go back and see him. Dr. Liver thinks he could detect some weakness in my left grip, and he claims my signs don’t match up with a C6-C7. I compromised and took it up with my therapist today. He’s going to do a re-evaluation on me Friday to determine what, if any changes, have occurred since I first started four weeks ago.

Dr. Liver observed that, unlike most other liver transplant patients at my stage of healing, I’m in “good nutrition”. In other words, he was far kinder about my weight gain than expected. Interestingly, he didn’t give me the “selective starvation” speech I had been braced for. I’m still planning on getting some of the Prednisone Pounds off though. Now, at least, I’ll have a chance to shed them before he yells at me.

I started feeling tired after I left Dr. Liver’s yesterday, and by the time I was fifteen minutes into my hour drive home I was yawning non-stop and could barely keep my eyes open. This is the fourth time this has happened to me. I’m never sure what to do about it. I shouldn’t be driving, but it’s also not a good idea to pull over and take a quick nap. I imagine I’d be answering to the Staties before I got five minutes of Z-time in.

By the time I got home (and yes, I did get home without incident, miraculously enough, though I came close to crossing the yellow line twice) I was also nauseaous. I picked the mail off the floor, fed the cats (so they’d leave me alone) and went to bed. Four hours later I woke up, got a snack of apple and cheese, watched the last hour of Star Trek I, and went back to bed for another eight hours. Methinks it was worth it, falling behind on diaries and putting off paying bills for another day. I apparently needed the sleep.

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