*Eighteen Spaces*

That’s all the room we now have for title display in the most recently updated list on DD’s homepage. I’ll have to keep that in mind, since I like titles that either fit completely, or cut off at a critical word, leaving people anticipatory or misled. A cheap trick I know, but paid authors do stuff like that all the time, or at least their editors do.

I’ve had a minor pain in my butt off and on since before Easter. Please note that I said in my, not that I was being a pain in the butt. A couple of days ago it started to extend down the side of my leg and into my shin. I need wonder no longer about what I did to myself. It appears that my body has come up with yet another sneak attack, this time in the form of sciatica. I have had this before, in the other leg, and the only thing that can be done is to wait for it to go away. The pain gets bad enough that it’s waking me up in the middle of the night right now. I’ll be glad when it dies down again. Though I think the Grey Menace is happy for the extra attention she’s been getting in the wee hours because of this.

Tomorrow I get my hair cut and then I’m off to help at the “Kitten Races”. What are “Kitten Races?” you may ask. “Good question,” would be my response. I have absolutely no idea what I’ve volunteered to assist with. The Kitten Races are being held as a fund raising event for a local no-kill shelter for cats. When I asked the woman organizing this what I should expect, she told me this is the first time they’ve done this particular event, and she’s not entirely sure herself what this will turn out like. Which was not reassuring.

Am I the only one to find it ironic that May Day, the international day of labor, is Saturday, while Mother’s Day in the United States follows on Sunday?

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