
Weekend. Time to catch-up, recuperate, plan and fret simultaneously. Hectic as things can get, I never find myself looking forward to Monday, though. I got my hair done this morning, some finances worked out this afternoon, The Socialist’s Christmas presents finished off, and some messing around accomplished on the computer.

Last August I purchased tickets for a Dar Williams concert. Tonight’s the night. I don’t know when I’ve ever purchased tickets so far in advance for anything. She didn’t come out with a new CD this year … she was too busy publishing a children’s book and having a kid herself. That means that tonight’s concert will be old favorites instead of introducing new songs. That’s fine with me. I look forward to sitting in a smallish theater with aging hippie types and grooving to the familiar.

The tree is up, as of last weekend, and the cats have discovered it. So far, no casualties among the ornaments, although the lowest lights keep mysteriously ending up droopping from their limbs. I know which little grey shit is responsible for that, and for the glass icicles that have migrated to the linoleum in the entranceway. She likes playing with her ill gotten gains on linoleum rather than carpet because they slide better there. Simultaneously smart and stupid: it’s probably part of the definition of a cat.

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  1. Interesting about the linoleum. Whenever I give our big white beast a Kong toy stuffed with peanut butter I set it on the tiles at the front door, but he invariably picks it up and carries it two feet away onto the white carpet. He probably just wants to enjoy it on a comfortable surface. Still, he likes to lie on the tiles at other times, probably because it’s cool. I guess it really doesn’t matter, though, because any peanut butter that gets on the carpet gets licked up so there are no traces.

    The other day I walked into the kitchen to see him licking a cabinet door. Something must have spilled on it. I told Shay, "You can pretty much assume, for any surface under three feet high in this place, that it’s been licked at some point."

  2. No ornament casualties yet, eh? Just wait. It’s only a matter of time *grins*

    Hope you enjoy the concert!!!!!

    RYC: mud is the common slang for sheetrock joint compound. A thin layer is spread with a trowel onto sheetrock joints, then a layer of paper tape is applied and the trowel run over it again until it’s smooth. Once that’s dry, a second layer, wider than the first is applied, then a third, wider still. By the time you’re done, you cannot see where the sheetrock pieces go together. Each layer is lightly sanded before the next layer goes on. That is mudding in a nutshell.

  3. Ahhhhh….I am so jealous!

    Wish I was there at the concert too. *goes and puts her Dar collection on and sulks*

    Well behaved kitties under the tree? Not for long !! LOL.

  4. *~Salamander~*

    Thats great you got some thigns done! Hope you have a fantastic time at the concert, I havent been to a concert in a few years or so.

    My sister’s cat keeps playing with our tree also. Our lights end up dropping so low they are on the floor. There’s one ornament that is a, well I dont know, but it looks like a mouse and she bats and tries to tear it off the tree. Same here, no casualties with our ornaments yet!

    Have a good weekend!


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