I’m home.

It’s been a while.  I see that things have changed in my absence.  I’d gotten so used to coding the html myself that it’s almost disappointing to see that the whole thing has been "dumbed down".  Then again, there’s a spell checker now.  In all, I suppose that’s worth the trade off.

Why did I leave?  I gave a shit about who said what to whom.  Why am I back?  I no longer give a shit.  After the passage of a  year and a half I’m a little older, a little wiser, and a bit more impervious to the end results of games like "Whisper Down the Lane".  

Why am I back?  I still have things to say, and after a year and a half I find this has proved to be the best forum I’ve ever found to say them.  Maybe I’ll import bits and pieces from other, less worthy sites.  Probably not.  Too much work, not enough payback.  Free time is a limited resource, and I can’t see squandering it spackling holes in my history.

What’s changed?  Much and little.  I’ve lost over fifty pounds, and managed to keep it off this time so far.  My loaner liver and I remain intimately proximal.  The Professor and I also remain intimately proximal.  Since last I wrote here, Clueless Wonder died, leaving a cat-shaped hole in my heart.  My job has remained much the same, although key elements are changed.  My Prius still runs well, when I remember not to leave the cabin light on for a week while on vacation.  I’ve purchased a condo,  I’ve adopted a cat from the shelter that I now serve on the board of directors for.  (The Professor has also adopted a cat from there, bringing the Pride up to four felids, a number which we have no intention of ever exceeding.)

For those of you who have received a notification of this entry and are no longer interested in maintaining touch with this diary, feel free to remove yourself from my friends list.  For those of you who will be sticking around, understand that updates will be scarcer than they were before, though with luck they will have more content and less padding.  I hope to catch up on the past few months of diaries that I had continued to  read until recently.  Give me time, though.  There’s a lot of material out there.

Hmmm … can’t seem to figure out how the spell-check works.  Pity, that.

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