The things that make me laugh…

While I don’t tend to go out of my way to advertise it, it is also no secret that I am one of those unAmerican atheist types who believe that teaching creationism in school is bunk and feels that “one nation under God” is the ultimate in discriminatory hypocrisy in a nation that claims tolerance as one of its cornerstones.

Having established this, I had a random thought yesterday that continues to amuse me. If there is a God, then She apparently has Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Not worth making a new entry for, but worth the comment:

Saying “She” just made it funnier, to my mind. Justifying it ruins the joke.

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  1. I’m brand new to DD but you were on the list on the first page so I started reading your entries. I have to say you are truly brave. I’m waiting on my own handful of scary tests to be resulted. I hope if any of the news is bad, I’ll be able to face it with the courage and dignity you have. Thank you.

  2. RYC: The male "brain:? Have scientists actually located that?

    Yes, somewhere off the coast of Iceland. They decided it was best to leave the brain where they found it.



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