To Man-who-uses-forty-foot-ladders-to-hang-birdhouses

Don’t mistake desperation for “courage”. (wry grin) I’m not sure what it says about a person when they form better relationships using electrons than they do using traditional means of communication. Sometimes it is far easier to reach out to a stranger than to a proven friend, though.

I don’t know where things stand with you and your lady right now. I can only point out that too many “secrets” can be death of a relationship. Save your secrets for those things that are hurtful when shared. I won’t hold you to your promise not to tell her, but instead will rely on your proven good judgement to tell or not tell as circumstances demand. Trust is essential in a relationship, and the best way to demonstrate trust is to entrust. (The wording is a little circular, perhaps, but none the worse for it.)

Taking a page from my own book … I trust you, Friend. Also, the Professor and I are going to beat the crap out of you and your lady next time we play Trivial Pursuit.

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  1. She reminds me of my Daisy…except my Daisy is a bit more tiny. She could also be referred to as Clueless. She is the loudest, clumsiest, and un-cat-like cat i have ever known. She comes to me when i call and whistle. Ha!

  2. How cute!!! OMGOSH, my pure black cat, Magick can be the exact same way. She can be so clueless and hyper. Its so funny though,lol. What a cutie!! ~ Alaina, P.S. 4 DAYS!!!!

  3. Beautiful picture! What a good-looking cat!! I still ahven’t found time to work on getting my kitty’s picture up on here. Maybe this weekend I’ll have a chance to review your instructions on the matter!

  4. OK so I’m glad you didn’t delete all your entries because of me. I haven’t and won’t mention anything of what you write here, even to my favorite gal because I think you’d have said something yourself if that’s what you’d wanted.

    Your dishwashing story reminded me of how a sink full of dishes would really piss me off when a former roommate was around, and I’d clean them up and think really nasty thoughts. It wasn’ the dishes clogging the sink that really made me so angry, it was just a way to redirect the anger to poor innocent inanimate objects. I know all that anger isn’t really at Prof, so I’m guessing that it’s repressed anger from your ex, and living with another man makes it bubble up to the surface.

    I also thought that it’s unfair to have a peek into your private life without a reciprocal diary of my own, but UT’s diary is the one I have here, and I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to be so open, anyway. I salute your courage in reaching out. I tend to respond frankly to direct inquiries, though, if you want to email me.

  5. That’s Hilarious! And I needed a good laugh!

    It also reminds me of my own mis-heard lyric tale. you know that dumb song "Put Me In Coach" or something like that… that song about baseball, I think it’s by Fogerty? Anyway, I used to think he was singing "Put me in coke"!!! Talk about needing a dunce cap…

  6. Salamander –

    I’m sure I read in one of your entries the mention of an artist by the name of Stan Rogers… but I can’t find it now. Correct me if I have it wrong, but I think you said "if you don’t know who Stan Rogers is, you’ve missed the whole point of music." Well, I still want to know who he is! You may have answered it the first time I asked, but like I said, I can’t find that entry now. Anyway, I think I’ll look his name up online. You’ve piqued my curiosity!

  7. My favorite misheard lyric is Elton John:

    Rocket Man

    Burning like a touch-tone telephone!

    i have *no* idea what he really says…i’m not a huge Elton fan…but i swear that’s what it sounds like!

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