Aspirus … It’s just plain scary

I just checked in with my site meter, and nearly half my hits from today have been from various “Aspirus” searches. My diary floats to the top of the list of most of these searches now.

I’m starting to think I’m tampering with powers far beyond my ability to control.

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  1. We may need Michael Moore to investigate how the Bush administration is responsible for Aspirus since Rumsfeld talked to someone who knew someone who looked up Aspirus on the internet once.

  2. thanks for that movie review

    believe me when i say that because it’s you recommending it, i’ll definitely go see it. if anybody else recommended it, i probably wouldn’t be so convinced. no offense to anybody else..


  3. Yes, thanks for the review… i would not consider myself a Moore fan, but neither would i consider myself a detractor. i try to take it all with a grain of salt.

    i may just have to check that out.

    P.S. This is Moonman (my latest sobriquet).

  4. It is true!!

    Each time I read about you yankies sprouting forth the delights of catnip for your kitties…..I go huh????….. and then huh again????

    Trust me…. our tough kitties do not respond to whatever *catnip* is supposed to achieve! LOL

    Can you proove it actually does anything???

    I am interested!!


  5. Weird Aussie cats!

    How strange. I believe that Kiwi cats follow the general rule that 50% respond to catnip, and we have similar quarantine restrictions to Oz. Kimi-cat went quite mad over catnip, while Sura ignored it. And Kimi-cat’s father was imported from Oz, so he had some Aussie genes there. Rocky’s in the no-thanks category, though possibly when he gets a bit older he’ll respond.

  6. There’s an HMO or healthcare related service by the name of Aspirus which might account for it’s popularity as of late.

    Say, any idea what the cat I found could possibly be? She is up for perusal in my diary and I think far too beautiful to look like a random alleycat. I’m looking for opinions to know what to put in the found poster.

  7. I would like to find the time to see F11, I have heard it is a real eye-opener.

    Maybe you don’t think of yourself as Dr Salamander, but I certainly think of you in those terms. From what you have written, it sounds like a good career move. The animals need someone compassionate like you. I have worked for vets who plain old don’t like animals and that is a shame.

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