Do I agree with the results?

Candle, I’m not entirely sure if I agree with the test results. Some of the answers are right on the money. I am painfully practical, I like to be organized (which is not necessarily the same as being a neat freak, as my apartment will attest). I tend to be rational rather than emotional, although when exceptions happen to that they happen in a BIG way. I didn’t think I was prone to considering things subjectively much at all. I thought my “preference for gathering information through what the five senses can detect” was more than mild.

I am reminded of another personality test I learned about when I was an undergraduate psychology major. A person was asked to respond to a series of self-descriptions with “I see myself that way” and “Others see me that way”. If neither fit, you didn’t need to check one off. If both fit, then you checked both off. Supposedly, the only ones that really applied to you were the ones that you checked both off for.

Is the test only valid for the points that I agree with? Or does it see more of me than I can see myself? It’s something for me to cogitate on.

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  1. I have no idea what it’s like to be married anymore…Ive been single most of my life, but I have two kids that I have the same trouble with …..getting them to help around the house, and stop complaining about dinner..

    well…this last few months with all my over time… I started buying those tv dinners… that they picked….so if they were hungry, they knew where to find it since I couldnt cook it…I was working…and I bought a dish washer…so we mostly have clean dishes piled up inside that need putting away…

    I like the shit kaboob idea…… LOL! Now, that would make my kids think… Mom’s a bit pissed, time to stop being asswads and clean up our meessssss!


  2. You are too funny! I have to say I feel like you’ve been in my own apartment lately… the description of leftovers piling up in the fridge because "somebody" sleeps through dinner… the 2 days worth of dirty dishes lining the counter, just waiting for me to spend time with them over the weekend… the only difference seems to be that my sinks are also backed-up! Both kitchen sinks and the bathroom sink… been backing up from all the rain I guess… I’m not sure. Anyway, I was able to unblock them last weekend, but now they’re backed up again… just one more thing for me to look forward to this weekend.

    One more thing: why do men hate leftovers?

  3. So do you agree with the results of this inner test? I’ll have to take it later when I have more time and see how close it comes to telling me what my personality book says!

  4. The test was too general. i found several questions that neither answer was correct. That irked me. The results are also rather "cookie-cutter" if you ask me. A lot of it was dead on for me, but it said i would make a great career dealing with money. My wife would laugh so hard she would injure herself.

    Me? Good with money? Yeah…sure…whatever you want to believe. That’s why my wife takes care of the finances. She’s a wizard, i’m a monkey with a calculator.

  5. *grins*..that would be a perfect idea if he actually lived here..he just came up for the night to park his boat at our house while he moves…so into the boat it goes ..*L*

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