
Today if you touch me, I bleed. If my skin were any thinner, it would probably simply sublimate from my body. As it is, my nerves are exposed, and motes of dust set off pain as though I’d been hit with a hammer.

I am tired of the endless debate on what the U.S.’s response to September 11th should be.

I am tired of being pigeon-holed by some European acquaintences who attack positive comments about the US as generalizations, and then procede to make negative generalizations.

I am tired of people regurgitating text without attributing the source, presenting it as though it were their own writings, while never once bothering to put their own thoughts into words other than to stoop to name calling.

I am tired of people telling me that it is never right to go to war, it is never right to kill another person, it is never right to have a death penalty. There are no “nevers” in the human condition.

I am heartsick that my single bolthole on the web that I have come to view as my asylum from the storms of life and my sanctuary where I can be safe among friends is no longer either asylum nor sanctuary.

I’ve lost patience with those that say that we should back off and try to negotiate with the terrorists rather than fight them, and I’ve lost patience with those that say bomb every terrorist known to our government, because even if they didn’t have a hand in the World Trade Center they did something sometime, somewhere.

I resent having my work ethic called into question as a “joke” by someone who gets six weeks of vacation a year, innumerable additional days off work due to European “holidays” and has work days so short that the sun is up the entire work day, even in the winter.

And if I have to wash the knives, forks, spoons, glasses and cooking utensils one more time tonight and then listen to somebody justify it because at least he cleaned “85% of the dishes”, I swear to God I’ll cook his dinner 85% of the way to done, then turn off the stove and go out to eat by myself.

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  1. Salamander, tonite lets just leave the guys with half-way thawed packages of ground meat and go to the places of solitary refuge of our choice.

    Differences of opinions are what made DD fun and interesting in the first place; it’s just that the stakes for having the ‘wrong’ opinion seem higher now, so people are panicking and bypassing respect in their efforts to convince.

    Hoping you find sanctuary someplace today. 🙂

  2. (((Salamander)))

    I downloaded Dar W.’s The End of The Summer and it is just as beautiful as February.

    Thank you so very much for introducing her music to me, I love every bit of it…



  3. i’m with you. Our exposed nerves are causing quite a stir.

    i hope peace finds you, my friend. The events of our time will weigh heavy on us for some time. Find solace somewhere…email me if you need to vent.

  4. *hug*

    You definitely need to find a refuge until your agitation is soothed.

    Perhaps a dinner alone and a few hours with a good book? I don’t know.

    The foreign people posting those agitating things…you already know how they feel about the US. The board doesn’t have an ignore feature, but I ignore posters "manually" (by not opening posts) when I know they’re only going to aggravate me.

    I hope you’re feeling better soon :o(

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