What kind of cat is KfC?

Kitten from Hell is a Domestic Shorthair no-name brand. She was a “dump” at the clinic where a friend of mine practices. She was about 8 to 10 weeks old when she was abandoned at the vet’s, and other than ear mites was in good health. My friend was away at the time the kitten was left there, and the other vets and vet techs at the clinic plotted to con her into taking it when she returned. They even named it “Twenty” (my friend had nineteen other cats, and they thought she wouldn’t be able to turn down “20”).

About the same time, I was thinking about getting a kitten for the Clueless Wonder. CW is an absolute sweetheart of a cat, and longs to play with the Warrior Princess, who will have nothing to do with him. He was getting pretty badly beaten up on his approach passes, and I figured if we got CW a kitten, then both he and WP would be happier. I specifically wanted a kitten that showed ability to play with other cats.

It turned out the Kitten from Hell fit the bill exactly. She loved playing with the clinic’s cats, and was sociable besides. When my friend, who knew I wanted a kitten for CW, had this little gem sprung on her, she immediately thought of me. And I immediately accepted.

And KfH has indeed turned out to be more than we bargained for in many ways. Not only doe CW have a playmate now, but WP is actually showing a softer side none of us expected she’d have, and will go out of her way to play with KfH as well. KfH also is a lap sitter, and in fact is sitting on my lap at this very moment as I type this. The periodic episodes of craziness spawned by her antics have more to do with the fact that she is absolutely fearless, incredibly agile, and far more curious than any cat I’ve ever before met than they have to do with her being “naughty”. I know she’ll grow out of it.

I pray she’ll grow out of it.

She will grow out of it, won’t she?

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  1. bronchitis is the WORST! I should know..I’ve had it for the past 4 months and counting. *Sigh*

    it’s horrid, not being able to breathe..and you know..do ANYTHING that invovles physical activity (ie: walking. lol).

    I hope you get better soon.

    your cat is so cute!

  2. Yes, I understand how your sister put you in an awkward position. I’ve had several very serious "secrets" revealed to me and its caused some stress between me and others… its a nasty situation. I think consistency is key here and once you have made a statement that you will not discuss certain things– its best to keep it in all cases. FfH looks cute playing Snood… my Minnie used to find the mouse cursor interesting and would stand in front of the screen to bat at it. Gotta love kitties! 🙂 Nice to hear yours is becoming more cuddly and calm! Mine is getting to be that way a little more each day. Its wonderful! Have a good day… Jen

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