The Fury22 Questionnaire
Interesting how much of this questionnaire I felt did not apply to me. I’m not sure if it really wasn’t applicable, or if I’m deluding myself today.
1. How long have you been on Dear Diary?
Tricky question, since I lurked for a while before opening a Diary of my own. My first entry was May 5th, 2001. I guess that makes tomorrow my seven-month anniversary.
2. How frequently do you write?
I try to write every day, although weekends it isn’t always possible to write both days.
3. Do you give as good as you get (in comments that is)?
Better. I leave far more comments than I get. With a few exceptions, though, I’m inconsistent with where I leave my comments. There are a few people I follow closely at DD. I also keep half an eye out for newbies with set-up or html questions, since that’s one thing I can be of help with. Animal entries always catch my eye. And more people have gotten the benefit of my veterinary advice than ever wanted it, I’m sure.
4. What are your usual methods of dealing with negative comments/diarists
I’ve never gotten “negative” comments, just useful criticism. I think I’ve taken suggestions to heart. I don’t always change my actions, but at least I’m force to consider them more closely than I would have otherwise.
5. Has this method changed since you’ve been on Dear Diary? Explain.
Not really.
6. Open a seperate window (ctrl+n). Go back to the beginning of your diary. Start reading. How have you changed since you first started writing? (you can come back to this entry and edit it if need be, simply use the correct button to the left)
It’s painful to realize how little I’ve changed in these past months. I’m maybe a little sadder, a little more frustrated, and little more confused. But that’s just me on a bad day.
7. Have comments left by other diarists helped to change you in any way?
They ease the loneliness on lonely days. They affirm my beliefs on insecure days. They’ve reminded me that the Kitten from Hell has a place in the Universe on days I’ve wanted to kill her. But I don’t’ think they’ve changed me much.
8. The overall look of your diary says so much without anyone even having to read your words. How many times have you changed your diary style, diary description, category, personal info, diary name?
Diary style – once, but then my original set-up was never meant to be permanent.
Diary description, category, personal information – Never changed.
Diary name – Once, when the original title no longer was appropriate.
9. What are the underlying reasons for these changes?
I always wanted a set-up that complemented my user name. It just took a while to find the graphics and tweak them appropriately. There are still a few “tweaks” I want to make, but this “look” I hope is here to stay for a while.
10. Have you made any lasting friendships through entries/note conversations with other diarists?
Nothing I’d call a friendship, but I have met people that I wouldn’t mind numbering among my friends some day.
11. How has Dear Diary affected your views of humanity?
Not really. This is an unusual cross section of humanity, which types their lives into journals for public consumption. It’s nice to know that this cross section is as vibrant, varied and articulate as it is. But it’s still just a cross section.
12. Of religion?
Absolutely not. My own religious stand is the product of decades of soul searching and has become something that I truly believe and feel comfortable with. I respect the views of others, and I absolutely defend their right to hold their own beliefs. But I cannot easily see me changing my beliefs.
13. Of yourself?
14. Has sharing things through the safe medium of Dear Diary (such as: cutting, eating disorders, rape, abuse, depression, suicide, drugs, sex, poetry, social issues, political issues, boredom, parents, children, school, work, home, etc.) helped you to be able to get out these things that are bothering you that you don’t feel safe discussing within the physical world?
No, not really. I wouldn’t be in the situation I’m in now if it did. It just gives me a venue to gripe.
15. Why do you keep logging on?
It sorts my world, and gives me a reason to write. It serves as a mirror through which I can see my image reflected, sometimes with surprising results. If you write honestly, and then read with an open mind, sometimes you learn things about yourself.
16. Have the experiences of others on Dear Diary led you to be open to new experiences and opinions yourself?
I’d like to think I had that openness before I came to Dear Diary.
17. Do you find that you were more open at the beginning of your sojourn here than you are now that you have attachments?
Perhaps. At least I’m more willing to put things about myself in writing, though the truly juicy stuff goes on “Private”. I don’t think I’m more open to other people, but I’m learning to be more open with myself.
18. If you had to pay for this service, how much would you be willing to pay per month to keep this service up and running?
Apparently I’m willing to pay at least $25 American a year, a little over $2.00/month.
19. Do you miss us when you’re gone?
I’ll let you know if I ever leave,
20. Using the above-mentioned method of opening a window, check your comments, how many of your comment have been deleted?
I’ve never deleted a comment from this diary.
21. How many still have the name they signed your diary with?
All but one. There have, of course, been other name changes at DD, but I don’t think any of the others have ever left a comment on my diary.
22. How many haven’t written in over a month?
None of my regulars, although there’s one person I’m keeping an eye on because their entries are becoming very infrequent.
23. How many have changed drastically from the person who left that note and the person who wrote that latest entry in their diary?
None, but then I’ve only been here half a year. How drastically can someone change in that time?