My Valentine’s Day Present.

First of all, thanks a bunch for this stupid test. You know who you are ….

Take the “Which

Nationality Are You?” test
at OuchCryManson

Made by: and User=ecology>

No. I don’t think so. If it were true, I’d be writing haiku.

Next, I have (brace yourselves) two more cat pictures. I downloaded my camera to my computer last night, and there are LOTS of cat pictures, I fear.

We finally figured out how to keep KfH out of our hair on wash day. She loves playing in the piles of dirty clothes and hasn’t yet figured out that when we dump the sheets on top of her it isn’t because we’re feeling playful.

We got KfH her own little cat bed because she keeps kicking Clueless Wonder out of his bed. (I’ll never understand why he lets her get away with it, but he does.) She still kicks him out of his bed, and CW refuses to use the new bed, but every once in a while KfH slips up and naps in the wrong (i.e. right) bed. This was one of those times. A classic Big Cat/Little Cat moment:

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Magnetic Poetry Creation of the Day

they ask my wish

I want to leave and be gone forever

I long to stay and return to my heart

I have both and so can have neither

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Never mind. It makes sense to me.

I told The Prof I’d take him out to dinner tonight, since he has to work tomorrow night. I think it’s more for me than him – I’m the one who likes to go out. He still gets a free meal though, and I get to put something on other than jeans and a tee-shirt, making it a win-win combination. Although I suppose it could be called a win-whine combination, since he isn’t going to be happy about putting on something other than a polo shirt. Oh well. He’ll live. This is my Valentine’s Day present to me.

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  1. it is really awful if someone is stalking (or anything like that…) would you mind if i put it in a way of sci-fiction-like—perhaps somewhere there is a BOT who strangely develops the interest of reading human being’s diary and it starts from DD?

    my thesis is about a german critic and philosopher whose name is walter benjamin. good heaven, i should pay more attention on it…


  2. Are you sure that’s a dog??? LMAO

    Oh my. Yeah, I don’t think I could keep a straight face with a dolled up little doggy like that either. TOOOO FUNNY!

    Have you seen the movie "Best of Show" yet? I hear it’s pretty droll humor.. just my kind! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. hi, got to say thanks again. When Lumin is still trying how to put the pictures of Me in our journal, the hand of help is already given there. both of us are very grateful. however… isn’t there a free album at DD?


  4. Guess what… I found out the other day that the "secret admirer" who hit my diary 99 times one day is whizbang labs…

    Let me know what you find out if they answer your email! The nasty spies!

  5. I regularly get a ton of "hit" from whizbang and the spider – but sitemeter never shows all of them either. I actually assumed it was a sitemeter problem because during my diary "party" where I got over 200 comments, my hits for the day was at something like 48. I don’t understand all this silly, silly stuff. But I’m very tired of offers to increase my penis size.


  6. I hear you fran b. Add to that the offers of tender young things to suck my cock, and still other offers to see the youngest teens on the net having more fun than the law allows.

    Still no word from WhizBang!. I really don’t expect to hear from them, but I am considering sending them 200 emails a day for a while to see how they like it.

  7. Get ’em girl. I was just commenting on the amount of junky/slutty email I was getting yesterday. Think I will do some investigating with my hits and see if they come up.

    I saw that dog on Good Morning America this am. What a clip job—poor dog, guess they can’t pick their owners any more than we can pick our parents.

  8. The spam/junk mail is a continual thorn in my side. When we moved and I was off the net for about 4 days my e-mail REALLY piled up. I had more than 600 mails. After I weeded the junk/spam out, there were only 70 that were actual e-mails and not spam.

    It is so tempting to close that account and use one of my other ones instead. Unfortunately that one is how everyone knows how to contact me.


  9. Atleast I know im not nuts. i was laughing when I saw what won last night. It gets crazy. Maybe you should do a private practice.. its good to laugh.. so you’d prolly get a serious daily does.


  10. what a rollar coaster ride of emotions this entry has taken me through….panic at the idea of secret ‘information retrievers,’ pride at the letter you sent them, warmth over the adorable kitty pictures, and a mixture of fear/hysteria/quizzicalness/and then betrayal on behalf of the dog. dogs deserve dignity, too!

    i get all kinds of ads about my cock and teenagers with webcams, myself. if their scanning diaries, can’t they personalize the ads a little better?? maybe send me a listing of movers, for instance?

  11. LMFAO. Um, lion cut on a miniature poodle? They only do it for the big poodles here *giggles*. Nevertheless, whenever I see a poodle of any size with a lion trim on their fur, I associate it with the 70’s. Bad hairdo. Sheesh. But the big poodles are great. If I had one, I wouldn’t cut her fur like that though. It might have been convenient back then when they had to swim in the water & hunt but now it looks ridicilous.

    Well that’s what I think.

    And LOL @ big cat / lil’ cat. KfH looks so innocent… ๐Ÿ˜‰


  12. hmmm, i’ve been getting stung by whizbang also, i believe, so thanks for the heads up

    i’ll just make sure to do the usual senseless ramblings and hopefully they’ll get tired of it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    great shots as usual, i love the little kitty beds. i’ve decided that jessicas kitty bed is me


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