Another Quiz: Enneagram

About time I took a more meaningful test. Thanks to Stevie Oklahoma:

The top three choices it assigned me were:

type score summary
3 19 Threes derive self worth from success in the external world. They are highly skilled at adapting themselves in whatever way necessary to achieve success. This external success driven image often comes at a price of having a personal identity and they may lose site of who they really are.
5 19 Fives are basically on some level estranged from the rest of the world, consequently, their mind is usually their best friend. They like to analyze things and make sense of them (that is their anchor), this makes them great inventors and philosophers. The immense inner world of fives can cause them to lose touch or interest in reality.
4 17 Fours are all about being unique and creating their own distinct culture. They experience the highs and lows of life more intensely than other types. This makes them great creative forces (artists, writers, filmmakers). Fours often feel like misplaced children, and they long for a sense of real family.

take free enneagram test

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  1. i see our identities are beginning to differ. the serum must be wearing off.

    any luck with your cards? you’re not going to get rid of the little bugger, are you?

  2. I hope ACfH isn’t as good at hiding things as my Jazz is… she hid her bran new red collar once… never found it again, even after we moved out of that apartment…

  3. I’d suggest under the furniture. My cats like to hide things under the couch and the chairs..and even the entertainment center! Good luck!

  4. LOL @ ACFH. Send her out to me and her country cousins for the summer. Plenty of mice and birds to keep her interest instead of your VIP documents. In fact, I’ll trade ya straight across, I have had enough of my daughter’s cat and his sour puss attitude toward us. Not to mention yowling at the front door to go in and out all night as he has slept all day. Oops, probably should not have mentioned that little detail.

    Seriously, I hope you find it all. I thought toddlers were hard!

  5. thanks for that comment…that is one of my all time favorite songs ever…and oh, how fitting for yesterday….i need another for today…any suggestions?

  6. I prefer #5 myself, but then I don’t really take any of this stuff seriously anyhow. The day they invent an on-line test that can peg you is the day all therapists go out of business.

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