OK. I’m officially

pissed off now. The Prof stays up till 4:00. He comes to bed and then tosses and turns, keeping us both up until I give up and get up twenty minutes early, with less than four hours sleep under my belt (because he felt the need to come into the bedroom and wake me up when he got back from the gym at 12:30).

I get home, and he’s in bed. No big surprise – I knew he’d be tired after the math lab (he teaches no classes on Wednesday, just tutors at the lab for a few hours in the morning) and I figured he’d be in bed, though I also figured he’d be getting up around now.

Then I find a post by him on one of his forums dated for mid-afternoon. THEN I check the messages on the machine, and find one from the math lab. He never showed up. They want to know if he realized that there was still a math lab today, even though finals start tomorrow.

If he decided to just not show up for work because he was tired, after ensuring that I didn’t get enough sleep so I could go in and do an eleven hour day, I am going to be royally pissed. He’d better be lying dead on the bed back there. He’d better have been playing around on the boards as a ghost this afternoon. It’s the only thing that’s going to get him off the hook.

I’m angry. I’m going out to the library. I don’t know when I’ll be home.

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  1. the dept. head at school received an offering similar to an earthwatch trip that would take an interested student to alaska…manoman, i wish…

    as for the green candies: that color always tastes (in my opinion) like what floor cleaner smells like…

    i’d have stolen all the orange ones!

  2. I used to toy with the idea of an Earthwatch "vacation," but as I recall, they weren’t exactly cheap. Still, it would be big fun, I think.



  3. I’m sorry, but the cats seem to like the squirrels better…

    I took pictures of my kitty watchin’ them silly tree rats myself. I can’t remember what day, but I liked it. :o)

  4. Man, that was really irresponsible of the Prof, to not show up at the math lab :(.

    Gee, I’m just happy that I’m not around when you get home lol.

    *Hug* Take care, you. *Sighs* men.


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