Filed for reference.

After scolding one’s cat one looks into its face and is seized by the ugly suspicion that it understood every word.

And has filed it for reference.

Charlotte Gray

I suppose that’s the best way to handle certain situations. Tuck the information away against future need, and then continue as planned. ACfH has lived her entire young life that way, but it is the Warrior Princess who exemplifies this to its most regal extreme. Oh, she might scamper for cover, if the scolding is earnest enough. She might even voice her displeasure at your opprobrious attitude. But turn your back on her for five minutes, and she’s resumed her life, showing you exactly how little your opinion means. It might frustrate me to the bounds of endurance, but I have to admire it at the same time.

The Prof and I watched the season finale of “Enterprise” last night. I feel the show has been rather uneven for its first season, but I’m keeping an open mind about it. ST:TNG’s opening season was by far it’s poorest season, and perhaps “Enterprise” will follow that same pattern and hit its stride in later seasons as well, if given a proper chance. So far, based on the first season, I:

– like the depiction of the Vulcans as less than magnanimous in their dealings with the Earth

– am wary of the whole “Temporal Cold War” thing (there’s so much to explore in this new universe that “Enterprise” has just entered; why did they have to introduce time travel?)

– am looking forward to further development of Phlox

– have no idea why Archer would have brought a dog aboard the ship

– don’t dislike Hoshie as much as I thought I was going to

– will give the second season a try.

A comment on a news item from yesterday: If initial reports are confirmed, I hope they do a full prosecution and give the harshest penalty possible to the man in Alabama who ran a “greyhound disposal” service. He proportedly took dogs that were deemed too slow off the racetracks’ hands for ten dollars apeice, and then killed them with a gun, disposing of the bodies on his property. He claims the kills were clean and the animals did not suffer, but preliminary examination of four exhumed carcasses indicates that this could be true of only one of the four bodies examined. It isn’t illegal to kill a dog if you own it in Alabama, but it must be by lethal injection. Further information on the story can be found at CNN: Man says he killed greyhounds for $10 each.

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