Wee Hours

Went to bed early tonight, even by my standards. But even going to bed at 8:00 p.m. wasn’t going to save me – the pain in my side had me well awake and up at midnight. I attempted to pretend I could get back to sleep for another forty-five minutes, but when it became obvious my tossing and turning were only going to wake the Socialist up without putting me to sleep, I bowed to the inevitable and got up to play on the computer.

The kitten is never very far away from me right now. The moment I left the bedroom, she was on my heels. And she’s been sleeping in my lap now for over an hour. She’s become uncomfortably warm to hold, but I haven’t the heart to dump nine pounds of very loyal fur-covered Play-do on the floor. Loyalty should be rewarded, and so she keeps full possession of my lap.

Friday was a day devoted to errands and irritants. My place of employment sent my disability papers Certified Mail to my address when I was hospitalized. Apparently it never occurred to them that, if I were hospitalized, there would be nobody who could sign for the mail. [Insert Homer Simpson “D’uh” here.] To further worsen matters, my doctor has gone on vacation for a week, so he now won’t be around to complete the physician’s portion of the disability application. I drove over fifteen miles to hand deliver the paperwork to his office to discover that one.

My prescriptions are thowing the local pharmacy for a loop as well. I did warn them (with a grin) that they may as well get used to it, since I’d be coming in for this stuff on a fairly regular basis for a while. I’ve just moved to the neighborhood, and already the Pharmacist and I are on a first name basis. I’m not sure what that means, but it probably isn’t good.

The Socialist got his car back today from the shop. There are still a few things that need to be attended to on it, but it really does look as good as new. He seems pleased to have it back, and I know I’m pleased that this signals the end of his mouring period over the accident. Monday he takes it to have the windows tinted. I’m not sure what the point of window tinting is, but evidently everybody has it done in California, and this is a custom he’s brought with him from the Far West.

Being of the firm philosophy that when the going gets tough, the Tough go shopping, I did stop off at the furniture store where I bought that wonderful coffee table on my trip homeward today. I want small table and chair set for the kitchen that doesn’t make it look like I’m opening a branch of Starbucks. Surely enough, I found several things I liked (that I didn’t price out). If I have the energy, I may drag the Socialist over there tomorrow though. If I’m doomed to spend time cooped up in the apartment, then it’s going to be comfortable time. And there is nothing quite so cozy as tea and English muffins with orange marmalade over the morning paper in the kitchen.

My dreams are small, but at least they’re mine.

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  1. I enjoy Weetabix in the morning, myself. Or Shreddies. Or Beefaroni. (I’m not picky.)

    We actually had a look around an expensive furniture store today. We spent most of the time just pointing at prices, snickering to ourselves.

    I was actually pleased with how they greeted us though. I looked like something you might see hanging around a 7-11 at 2 in the morning, yet the salespeople (persons) were friendly as heck.

  2. You are so positive and so accepting of whats ahead.

    Hey….the good things about being awake in the wee hours of the morning is that I am up !!! LOL

    Wow…..at last the north meets the south time wise.



  3. I think the Pharmacist knowing you so well is a good thing. Mine even knows what brand of chocolate bar I get there! One day they were out and I got something different, and the Pharmacist noticed right away. Makes me feel good to know that the person handling my meds knows me as a person instead of a name on the computer screen, especially in a city this big.

    I hope you find the perfect kitchen chair.

  4. egad, please don’t open another starbucks!!!!

    cozy days of tea, orange marmalade, english muffins, and newspapers are the stuff journals are made of!

    glad you’re writing of beautiful things, kid, but sorry you’re in so much pain 8/

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