Icing on the cake.

Tomorrow I was to have had two doctor’s appointments – one with my primary and one with the specialist who did the marrow biopsy. The specialist’s office just called to ask if they could postpone the appointment until next Friday.

The nurse at the office explained that there is a meeting of something called “The Tumor Board” next Wednesday, and that Dr. A wanted to make a case presentation of me there and pick their brains regarding the results of the marrow sample she took. I asked if that meant that she’d found something anomylous in the biopsy. The nurse said she honestly didn’t know, and didn’t want to mislead me with any wrong information.

Since even my feeble mind finds it difficult to accept that Dr. A would want to present a perfectly normal case for discussion, I have to assume there’s something there. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that she wants a consult with the other oncologists. I have to admit, this is not what I expected.

I do think that it’s time to stop procrastinating, and get a few projects around here settled. I need to know that I’m not going to leave a mess around here if things don’t go as I optimistically planned.

Oh, and I changed the passwords to all my accounts this morning, before I got that call. I’ll let the Socialist deal with it if/when he discovers it. I don’t particularly feel in the mood to trust at the moment.

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  1. i can completely see your point. When you try to discuss a contraversial viewpoint on something as volatile as 9/11 you *have* to expect unfriendly response.

    i hope you two can wade through this mess. Best to you.

  2. Rather sloppy of them, I think. Analogy time: If I were waiting for an appointment with, say, my Dissertation Advisor, and my Dissertation Advisor’s ass’t should call me to say, "He wants to postpone his appointment with you. He wants to take your dissertation to the Committee for the Expulsion of Grad Students with Unacceptable Dissertations…not that that’s what yours is!"

    Of course, yours might not be. My first neurologist didn’t know what was up with my MRI, and the radiologist took it to some kind of radiology group. Now I know it’s one of the most common defects of its kind, I have to wonder how they could both have been so baffled.

    Nevertheless, I’d be tempted to call the lack of prudence of this approach to your doctor’s attention.

  3. i agree with everyone here. shame on the soc. i’d be very pissed at provasik if he did such a thing to me.

    and i really hope you can talk to your doctor about his plans….

  4. I would make a call to find out why they are presenting the case—you have a right to know. Next Friday is a long time to speculate and fret. You are the patient and deserve to know all the facts. If there is a problem (and I hope not), then it gives you extra time to consider options.

    Get pushy.

    Re the socialist: I would probably change pw’s too. But remember he loves you.

  5. I definately think the doctor owes you an explanation. Perhaps you can speak with her on the phone. The mind can come up with a lot of scenarios in a weeks time.

    Re: the Socialist…hmmm…me thinks curiosity does not only kill cats… Good for you for changing your passwords. There are consequences to our actions.


  6. Waiting must be terrible for someone in your position. There’s a lyric to a song by David Bowie that goes, "I don’t want knowledge! I want certainty!" Your entry about the biopsy reminds me of that for some reason. (I can hear the music in the back of my head as I type this. It adds to the whole mood of the thing.) Stay strong, eh.

  7. I’ve got my fingers crossed that you’ll get some breaks coming your way with your illness. Rent a comedy this weekend….sounds like a little laughter would be welcome.

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