The Low Ceiling.
It looks like no air show for this chicken. It’s raining off and on, and the clouds are low enough to touch. Hell, even the crows got lost in fog during their aerial fly-bys this morning. I’m bummed, but my friend is coming anyhow, and we figured we’d find something else to do. That probably means mall-ratting, but that’s OK. There’s usually a lot of places to sit at the mall, and I do get tired easily.
The Garden Sister’s birthday dinner went well last night. I dragged the Socialist out to a few plant stores, and stumbled across some really nice plant tags. They’re made of thin copper, and you can emboss them simply by writing on the tag with a ball-point pen. If you spray them with laquer, they shouldn’t tarnish. Since my sister is famous for having a garden full of stuff that she can’t remember what it is, I figured they’d be perfect. The Socialist had his doubts when I told him that was the perfect gift for her, but her reaction upon opening the present vindicated me. The Troll house I’d gotten for her still hasn’t arrived, so I’ll have to give it to her later. That’s just as well, since I really wanted to try and get my hands on a few Trolls of the same era to go with it. I did have the Year of the Rabbit rice bowls I’ve been holding for her for over half a year now, and those were also exlaimed about. But she did seem to get the biggest glee from the Socialist’s present. Life’s litte ironies, at work again.
I got her birthday card at Zany Brainy – a kid’s store full of totally awesome stuff. While waiting in the checkout line, I espied these little pen-clip holders of bubble juice. Not any bubble juice though. This was bubble juice that hardened after you blew the bubbles, so that the bubbles didn’t pop. I couldn’t resist – Garden Sister has a history with bubbles that would take too long to get into in this entry. I got them for her, assigning it as the present from the Cats. As is always the way, the cheapest present provided the most fun. We spent nearly half an hour outside last night chasing and catching bubbles. Life is good.
Ah! I love those bubbles. 🙂 I love Zany Brainy, too. Before he started kindergarten, G and I used to visit ours almost weekly. If you find the cats enjoy bubbling, you might want to look out for one of those bubble guns. You screw a little bottle of bubbles to it, prime it, and it produces dozens of bubbles at a blast. Nemo thinks it’s amazing. He and Garrett chase bubbles down.
So people are putting troll-related items in their gardens now? I’m glad to hear it. Trolls are far superior to gnomes.
Those bubbles sound fun, but do they ever pop and go away? After you all went inside after playing, did they stay around as a permanent fixture in the neighborhood?
bubblejuice that makes unpopable bubbles? i’m behind on the times.
so glad to hear that life is good!!!!
I’m either behind the times myself or ahead of them, not sure which, but I have no idea what any of those things are you mentioned! Just glad you had a good time and it sounds like the evening was just what you needed. May you have many more evenings like it in the near future.
Bummer about the air show.
Being a mall rat sounds like fun. Malls are great places to people watch. That’s half the fun! Enjoy your Sunday!
Now you need to find the edible bubbles…tons of laughter with those!!
Who got new neighbors this weekend too. I’ve only seen the cars so far. Was quite bummed to see they parked a car on the grass…ewww…. not a good sign.