Ticked off, Tired and Tapped Out.

I had big plans of finally getting my Frederick, MD entry done. The pictures are downloaded from my camera and organized. But as I was getting ready to resize them for diary use, I pooped out. Looks like the project is just gonna hafta wait a bit more.

Yesterday was a day sent directly from Hades. I had to go in early to catch a specific window of opportunity to collect specimens for to submit for some pathological testing. I worked like a demon all day trying to straighten out a rather large mess created during my absence that involved two months of incorrect recordkeeping. I had to stay late because the Three Stooges in the department I’ve come to love to hate screwed up on yet more paperwork that HAD to be done correctly before I could close out my day. Fixing this entailed having to call Moe at home and have him return to work to affix his name to the correct portion of the government forms that had to be submitted that day. Dolt. These guys are really starting to tick me off – I got to wait until forever because Moe had “family obligations” he had to take care of first before coming in. I’m glad he’s such a great dad and all that, but I sure as hell wish he took his job more seriously.

I had left the house at 5:30, and returned at about 7:00 that evening. My present upon returning home: The discovery that the electricity had been out for over an hour in our building. The electricity stayed off until some time after mid-night. The apartment gets very cold without electricity. I was tired. I was grumpy. I basically said “screw it” and went to bed. That was probably the smartest thing I did all day.

Today I had another paracentesis to drain fluid from my abdomen. We didn’t get much from the tap this time – only about a liter and a half. I’m still retaining water, but most of it is in my legs, which look like little Parthenon pillars at the moment. Looks like I’m going to have to suck in the pride and start wearing those damnable support leggings.

I stopped by the old Alma Mater to drop off my specimens for analysis, and spent a few hours with an old teacher who’s become a very good friend. He was disappointed when he realized he wouldn’t be able to buy me lunch, but there were no low salt options at the campus cafe. I anticipated that, and brought a packed lunch with me. I really enjoyed seeing him, but started to flag towards the end of the second hour. I was really too tired to drive home safely, but there weren’t a whole heck of a lot of other options.

I remain exhausted and plan to make myself some quick dinner and crash. I missed Enterprise last night because of the power failure, and I’ll miss Monk tonight if I go to be now, but I simply don’t have the energy to care at the moment. Guess I’m not destined to be a true television addict.

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  1. Sorry to hear you’ve had such a rough couple of days and are so tired! Hope you get some much needed and well deserved rest this evening….the pics can certainly wait, huh?

    Take care of YOU!



  2. hey! i wore support hose when i did ES and ICU! lots of standing around…but boy did they do the trick. i think they show repeats on saturdays…i know buffy is on, you should check for enterprise.

    i hope you have a really awesome, stress-free, and very short work day tomorrow!

    take care.

  3. geezus, kid. i hope tomorrow is better. i’m glad to hear that moe is able to hold down a job and isn’t smacking you on the head with anything, at least 8/

    like moonriddengirl said, tv is overrated. you don’t want to be addicted to that.

  4. * plumps your pillows while your resting *

    * leaves 3 packages of Fish Net/Sequined Support Hose I bought for you on sale today on your counter *

    lol you can wear anything you want in Cyberspace!

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