Still sick.

I feel a bit better this morning, but got virtually no sleep. I continued to run a fever all last night, and every time I lay down I was treated to a wheeze-concert from my lungs. I think I got giddy from lack of sleep after a while, because I started to try and identify all the wheezes by what they sounded like. There was the “woodpecker wheeze” (rattattattattatta), the “owl wheeze” (whoooo whoooo whoooo), the “crow wheeze” (Caw caw Caw caw), the “gurgle wheeze” (you felt more than heard that one; it was like soda popping in one spot as the air tried to get through), the “spring wheeze” (sproing oing sproing oing) and the “cat’s mew wheeze” (mah mah mah). I actually looked around to see which of the cats were in distress before I realized I was the origin on that one. And yes, I named more of them, but day’s light seems to have brought back a little sanity to my life.

Got calls from both the sisters last night, though I was in no condition to talk to them at length. The Elder Sister’s medical package covers being a living donor. The Younger Sister’s does not. They had warned us up front that this could be a problem but that they’d find a way with the financing. The Younger Sister didn’t want to hear that. She wants me to check with my insurance again to make sure it won’t cover her costs incurred for giving me part of her liver. I will do so, of course. But I asked once, and I believe she is going to be disappointed. I’ll also ask and find out what the cost of screening is – if it’s affordable then perhaps we can at least get her screened to find out if she’s even a suitable match. In so far as the operation is concerned, I think it’s somewhat inappropriate for me to offer to pay for her even if I could, which I can’t. I simply don’t have that kind of life savings. It would come too close to “buying an organ” for my comfort though. Besides, as I’ve said before, I’m not totally thrilled with this whole living donor thing anyhow. This might be a gracious way out for all concerned.

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  1. And isn’t that just what you need right now? I hope you don’t mind if a kvetch at the universe on your behalf, but life is just not fair. 😛

    I’m sorry about your sister. :/ Speaking of money & gifts, it really -is- the thought that counts. I hope your older sister is a good match for you.

  2. glad you are feeling better this morning, pal! i hope you can take a wheeze free nap or two today. been a bit under the weather, myself, the last few days.

    how about some tea, eh?

  3. Sorry to hear you are still feeeling poorly, but had to chuckle over your great descriptions.

    That is awesome the one sisters health care will pay for being a donor! Have you found out for sure they are a match?

    Feel better soon!

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