Cats, Lost Time and Vanity

I do believe that my little grey cat-from-hell has forgiven me for abandoning her for two whole weeks. She has deigned to again regard my lap as a kitty-bed, and is even now taking her mid-morning siesta in the comfort of my discomforted legs. No matter. I’m sure feeling will return to them sometime later today.

O’Beast, on the other hand, has been needy to the point of being dangerously underfoot since our return. If I sit down on the sofa, I can be reasonably sure he’ll turn up within five or so minutes, so he can bed down next to me. If he leaned any harder on me, I suspect our surface molecules would begin to co-mingle. He’s even attempted to sleep on my lap several times. To say he’s too fat to accomplish this would be cruel, so I’ll just say that topology prevents him from actually achieving the goal of a lap nap.

Cattitude may have noticed we’re back by now, but I’m not entirely sure. At any rate, she remains as inscrutible as ever.

I’ve a cardiologist appointment this afternoon. My last blood pressure reading was 168 over 90 … the liver people didn’t seem too unhappy about it downtown but I’m a tad upset by it. I’ll be interested to hear if Dr. Cardiac Ken Doll has any comments (assuming the pressure is still up). The high blood pressure is the result of one of my medications, and I’m not entirely sure what/if they can do anything about it. I want to discuss it with Dr. Ken though, in case they can tweak things a bit.

I also have a call into the Transplant Unit about my disability. I am hoping that I’ll be able to catch someone to discuss this with while I’m downtown visiting Dr. Ken (cardiology and transplant share the same waiting room, ironically enough).

I’m preparing for the worst case scenario, and getting things in order in case I return to work next week. The doctor’s appointment I thought I had this Friday is actually next Friday; there’s nothing to be done about that now. My new glasses should be ready to pick up by Friday. I get the car serviced tomorrow. I was going to try to get a dental appointment in before I returned to work (I have official approval from the transplant docs for that), but it probably isn’t going to happen now.

I have to shake my head at all the projects I thought I was going to get done while home on disability. What was I thinking? And what did I actually do with all my free time? The days have escaped me, slipped right through my fingers. I have little to show for them except for the regained ability to work with five pound weights, a new wardrobe, and a nifty scar.

The software I use to down load my camera’s images is (again) on the fritz. The last time this happened, I lost hundreds of my cat photos. This time nothing should be lost (if I play my cards correctly) but I’m hesitant to reload this yet a third time. The Socialist showed me a way to bypass the software and load the images to the computer directly, which I’ll probably do from here on out. I hate to give up the photo-album type format that the software provided, but I hate more to lose pictures even more.

Even though things are getting a tad tight in the finanacial department here at Palimpsest Central, I did decide to splurge on one item. Based on the fact that I’m going to be stuck wearing it for the rest of my life, I shelled out for a 10k gold Medic Alert bracelet. I had to get the large, since the small size is too small to fit all the emergency information on. I’d have really liked to treat myself to the 14k bracelet (I’m worth it after all), but my shoestring didn’t stretch to the over $600 cost for that particular homage to my ego.

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