Achieving Equilibrium

You know that feeling you get the day after you injure yourself? Imagine that you’re hammering nails, and manage to wing your thumb instead of the nailhead. You don’t do any real damage, but it hurts like hell afterwards. Then the day after, your thumb doesn’t hurt any more, but it still remembers that it was slammed, and the memory of pain still lingers in it, keeping you aware of yesterday’s mishap without actually giving you any throbbing pain. That’s how I feel today.

Which is to say, I’m feeling a bit more up today, but I still feel lingering after-affects of that unpleasant little surprise with the MELD score. I have at least been active in attempting to find out what’s happened, and that seems to be helping. I still don’t understand why my score fell. But it’s only a temporary set-back, and I have to keep things in perspective.


Warning. Boring medical stuff follows.

Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score is really pretty easy to calculate. The Powers-That-Be definitely followed the K.I.S.S. approach when they developed this one. (That’s “Keep It Simple, Stupid” for those of you who travel in politer circles than I do.) It takes three blood test (serum creatinine, bilirubin, and INR) and uses them to calculate the odds that you will die from the disease in the next three months. UNOS claims that since the MELD score was implemented, there has been a decrease of deaths on the liver transplant waiting list, but they made that comment four months into the new system, and I’m not sure if this has continued to be the case.

The actual calculation is this:

MELD score = 10 X (0.957 x loge[creatinine mg/dL] + 0.378 x loge[bilirubin

mg/dL] + 1.120 x loge[INR] + 0.643 X cause of cirrhosis [0 alcohol,

cholestatic; 1 other etiologies])

When I plug my creatinine, bilirubin and INR into this, I come up with a score of 19.5! So color me confused, kids. I’m hoping that Dr. Liver will confirm my calcs, and if/when he does, I’ll call The Big City Hospital and ask them how they arrived at their “17”.


OK, onto other matters. Still waiting to receive my handicapped placard for my car from the state. It would have come in handy last night, when I had to stop to do some grocery shopping on my way home from work. I had to park in outer Jabbip in the parking lot; by the time I had walked across the store to the lot I was too tire to do much shopping! Ah well, at least I don’t have to use one of those motorized scooter cars yet! THAT would be the final insult.

Without any good segueue whatsoever, I will now jump to my newest food craving. I’m an unapologetic sardine lover. Please note, those of you who are about to say “Yuck” while making barfing noises into your trashcans, that I have never foisted them on anyone else. Indeed, I feel it would be a waste to do so, when I could be enjoying the little fishies myself. I was thrilled to find a no-salt-added sardine brand while spot-shopping last night. The store had three cans left, and I bought all of them. I had a tin today for lunch, with a little mayo on a bed of salad greens. Excellent protein source, only 125 mgs of salt, and *damn* but they were good. I grossed out half the people at my table, but I’m beyond caring. There are so few foods that actually appeal to me now, that I’m eating my fishies and that’s an end to it!

On the work front, it would appear that my days of cruising the web during lunch and breaks are numbered. They announced yesterday that new software is being installed this weekend that will block access to all unauthorized sites on the web, and generate a report if we attempt to access them. Things have certainly changed here in the past three years. I don’t blame my company, but I am going to miss the breaks that the net afforded me. Those of you who may have become accustomed to getting a mid-morning or early afternoon comment from me, I’ll still be leaving comments. They’ll just come (much) later in the day now.

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  1. Im sure you arent the only one in your household into sardines, right? I can hear the meows from here!! hehe

    Re the scores….. can you bring to anyones attention the situation with the figures? Seems odd 🙁

    Hang in there. (((((hugs)))))


  2. Pertaining to my latest entry and your comment…

    You were closer to being ‘right on target’ more than one would imagine. Steph and I came up with this as our own personal ‘reminder’ to ourselves as we achieve to find complete balance in our lives. Yes, you are correct, who wants to catch a bunch of stinking flies with honey when the honey could better be used in a nice, hot cup of tea? Oh, but we must remember to clean that mug when we are finished and put the honey jar away or it might just spell out trouble, eh? 😉

    Normally I try and write my entries just for myself, but with your permission I’d love to point out your comment…and make some sort of explanation concerning my seemingly bizarre entry today.



  3. I’ve never tried sardines so I can’t/won’t express an opinion until I do…they could be really yummy!

    I’m sure glad I’m the computer guru here, little internet breaks help me keep my sanity!!!


  4. You may ask your best buddy in the IT department if their system will note every place you visit, or just banned ones like porn or games. It may be that it will only generate a report if you visit a naughty site. Just watch out for those popups!

  5. Gee, I had forgotten about sardines! I like them too. Now I will have to go buy some. I like them on saltines.

    Hope you get whoever is calculating you MELD score straightened out! Sheesh!

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