
I have several prescriptions that have run out and require new script from my doctor. I always get them refilled a couple of days before I run out, just in case I run into any problems. Good thing I did so this time.

I called my doctor’s prescription renewal line just now to get the new orders called into my pharmacy. I left a message with all the information (name, pill size, how often taken, physician’s name, yadda, yadda, yadda). I stepped out of the office for just a moment, and when I got back there was a message waiting for me on the machine.

Because of the physician’s walk-out to protest the high malpractice insurance rates, my doctor’s office is only taking emergencies today and they can’t renew the prescriptions. I need to call back tomorrow and leave the same information and they’ll do it then.

Now don’t get me wrong. I agree that there’s a huge problem with malpractice insurance rates, and something needs to be done about it. I understand the walk-out, and even partly agree with it. But why in the world do I have to call back tomorrow? I’ve already left them all the information. Can’t they just write it down and wait 24 hours? What’s the big deal about just letting the message sit on the message machine until tomrrow, and acting on it then? I’ll accept the inconvenience of the walk-out in terms of waiting for drugs I don’t need right away, but I don’t feel that being inconsiderate and making me repeat something I’ve already done is called for.

Dr. Liver is getting a piece of my mind when I see him next Monday.

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