Mass Will Win.

The window butt-sling I purchased for O’Beast has become popular with Kitten as well. I haven’t yet caught Catitude up there (at least, not of her own volition, though The Socialist has tried dumping her up there once or twice just to see what would happen). The fabric of the hammock has become very worn, and there will come a day, sooner rather than later, when I will hear a panicked “Yowl!” followed closely by the sound of cat impacting upon floor. I figure that the O’Beast has at least six of his lives left to go, though, so I’m not too concerned about it. I’ve already moved all fragiles and valuables out of the potential crater zone.

The thing is, this was purchased for the O’Beast, and he took to it immediately, just as I knew he would. Cattitude stole his cat bed, and he’s gotten too hefty to easily fit on my lap like Kitten, so I figured this could be something that the O’Beast could make into his own personal comfort zone.

While he did indeed make it his own personal comfort zone, Kitten has taken it into her head to work a little discomfort into the mix. She too has taken to hanging around on it, and fairly frequently both she and the O’Beast share the butt-sling, taking it to within a pound or so of its advertised weight limit. In defence of the manufacturer’s statements, the butt-sling has stretched, sagged and drooped, but it has not yet actually given out and dumped its contents onto the floor three feet below.

Kitten, however, has been developing attitude about the butt-sling. Even though she only takes up a fraction of actual space on it, she’s taken to insisting that the whole space is hers, and will not give way to O’Beast when he makes the jump up to claim his territory. Before, I’ve only seen the O’Beast either settle for what little corner he could claim, or simply walk away and find some other cozy spot. Not this afternoon though.

Maybe it was because it is in the mid-nineties here, and too hot to go foot-padding off in search of a nice spot to nap. Maybe it’s because it is Indepence Day, and the O’Beast had decided he’d had enough of a little twerp of a dictator pushing him around. Or maybe the O’Beast was just too tired to do anything else. Whatever the reason, today, when the Kitten refused to move, O’Beast tried a different tactic.

He sat on her.

There are hidden reserves of spunk in my little O’Beast that apparently go untapped most of the time. I love this cat.


Otherwise, it’s been a fairly quiet day today. I continue to feel good and make progress, and in fact I went out for a meal today. This was my first meal out since the surgery. We went to a buffet place close by, and I actually had TWO (count ’em) plates of food. OK, they were small helpings, but it’s still far more than I’d been able to eat in one sitting up till now. I think that fabled “Steroid Appetite” is starting to kick in. If so, then I can see why people have to really watch themselves when they have to take prednisone. At my current rate of inactivity, too many meals like my lunchtime pigout will have me back into maternity-sized outfits in no time flat.

I’ve begun to lose the water weight in a big way. I still wear the maternity pants, but that is as much because they’re comfortable over the still-healing incision as it is because I need them for my girth. My belly-button no longer threatens to become an outie, and I can finally sleep for limited periods of time on my side. I can manage the stairs in the apartment just fine now, and can walk for short to medium distances without becoming breathless or so tired that I need to sit down. So I guess it’s Independence Day for more than the O’Beast around here. I’m starting to get my sea legs again.

I’ve also finally gotten enough brain cells kicked back into gear that I am able to start catching up on diaries. That’s kept me fairly busy the past few days. Today, actually, I did little more than spend time on one diary, going out to eat when I was about half-way through it, and returning to finish reading after I’d stuffed my face. It’s about time I started taking an interest in other people’s lives again. Far healthier than getting so hung-up on my own.

I just won another bid on eBay, after telling myself that my eBay days were over while I was on disability. Perhaps I should write to the eBay administrators and ask them to lock me out of their site.

Meanwhile, a friend from work sent me a gift cert for $25.00. Somewhere out there, a copy of the new Harry Potter book has my name on it and is patiently awaiting me to come save it from the hands of some juvenile delinquent. I wonder if I can talk the Socialist into taking me to a bookstore tomorrow.

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  1. Glad the bloat is subsiding! I’m sure it’s uncomfortable. I’d wear the loose clothing too as your incision is healing. Did that when I had surgery for umbilical hernia and then the found a non-cancerous tumor underneath when the opened me up. Nothing tight going up against that, I can tell you! *smile*

    LOL Thanks so much for the joke, I really needed a good laugh! If I were going to substitute another profession it would not be for love of surgeons but rather disgust with Lawyers . . . they’d be my pick of the day.

    Your cats look incredibly cozy although the one does look like it is being taken advantage of as a nice pillow!

    Have a good one and continue to heal well!

  2. HA! 🙂 love the pic.

    you’re recovery is moving right along, pigging out and sleeping soundly…great to hear. can’t think of a better way to beat this heat than to hit the bookstore and smell that new book smell! have fun.

    ps. i love your garden, your sisters did an awesome job.

  3. The cat butt-sling thing is cool. I’ve never seen one before. My cat would love it.

    Glad to hear you’re starting to feel like getting out and about. When it’s in the 90s I don’t think any of us feel like doing much but eating and sleeping! especially when it’s so humid.

  4. Oh my gosh, that picture is just too funny!!! I love it.

    I’m very happy that you are moving around and getting out. Yeah for you.

    Hope you are having a wonderful 4th with the Socialist!

  5. LOL – Poor Kitten!! Your picture of kitties made me laugh. So Cute!

    I’m glad that you are improving well and it will take time.. One Day at a time….. One day at a time….. and you will heal in no time.

    Hugs AO

  6. LMAO! I love that picture! I’ll have to show it to the bf… he’ll love it. Glad they continue to entertain you. 🙂

    That’s great that you finally got to go out and eat at a restaurant. Sounds like you are really starting to feel better and I’m happy for you.

    Oh, and I forgot to comment, but your garden looks really great! So colorful. Thanks for sharing!

    Love ~Jen

  7. Thanks for the nice comments on my diary. Nice to be able to have photoshop things that work for me. Yay for the new computer.

    I’m so proud of O’Beast. It’s not often that the right animals get put in their places around here. My evil Ted cat terrorizes my poor, going-blind, seizury Dot dog. And she’s bigger than he is. She’s just more passive.

    And regarding Harry Potter. I had to grin when I heard a couple of my friends had gone out at midnight and been there all night, then walked into Wal*Mart the day it came out and the books were stacked about 15-20 high for about $17 a piece. Maybe I’ll wait on it, since I think it’ll be safe for me not to dash out there and buy it. Of curse, I was almost as impulsive as that when it came to my Left Behind books. I should’ve waited for Wal*Mart.

  8. The pic of kitties is great! It’s amazing what cats will sleep through.

    I altered the entry, the link won’t work with a direct link for some reason, so I posted the url to cut & paste. With my OS, I can’t get it to play with anything but Media Player version 9.0. I’m told by some folks with Windows 95 others have been able to get it to play with other versions.


  9. Such a cute photo!!

    LOL… I really had to laugh at the impending collapse of the sling! 3 feet, even with my conversion rate, is a long way down!! *snigger*

    Glad you are feeling a little better and eating also. When are we going for that black and white ?

    Actually…I too have the Harry Potter book and its good!! I am on 2 weeks holidays before term 3 so hope to finish it. Did you hear there was a major fault with publishing? About 10,000 (I may be out) books were published missing pages. They are now very valuable, you know, first edition misprints!! Check your pages!! heheh

    Email on its way to you shortly!!



  10. My dogs would love the window butt sling.

    They all three fight over my patio chairs for the window to see out and bark.

    You have some beautiful cats.

    The light grey cat looks like a cat that we had at one time. I miss her.

    Keep up the good work at getting better.


  11. I’m sitting here laughing out loud at your description of the butt sling and the cats (since I have 2 myself), and then the picture was the clincher!

    Peace, bythesea

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