Insomnia, Frisbees and Tidying

I seem to be going through one of my insomnia cycles again. I had hoped this would disappear when I got my replacement liver, but it seems I am not to be so fortunate. I did get a rather good score on Snood last night, but I’d rather have gotten some sleep instead.

This weekend saw yet another little gain on my road to recovery. The Socialist and I went for a nice leisurely walk in a nearby state park that we hadn’t visited before. I had a great time, especially since The Socialist acted as a mosquito magnet, drawing the pesky critters away from me. All my life I’ve been the person that others use as mosquito bait; for some reason they prefer me over most other people. It seems that they prefer The Socialist over me though, and I’m not about to complain. I got tired easily by the mild exercise, but fortunately there were quite a few benches by the creek, and I had ample opportunity to rest and take in the scenery.

To my surprise, part of the state park was devoted to Disc Golf. I thought that fad died out decades ago, but there were quite a few players making the rounds as we hiked. The Socialist and I only discovered we were on the course by accident; two frisbees appeared out of nowhere, one after the other and landed fairly close to where we were walking. There is nothing quite like walking through a quiet, peaceful, dense woodland and suddenly seeing a frisbee come soaring by. I did a little poking around on the web afterward and discovered that not only is this a sport with tournements and money stakes, but that this particular course is considered “world class”. Anyone who is curious can check out Next time we go, I’m taking my camera.

I’m still working on cleaning up the mess in my computer room. I swear, the more I do, the worse it looks. The Socialist went shopping with me yesterday for a shelving unit that would fit into the closet in the room. The closet is situated directly over the staircase, and because of this most of the floor of the closet is at a severe slope to accommodate headroom for the stairs. This makes the closet of very limited use to me, since what I need is an area to store boxes and other, non-hangable items. The storage unit we purchased should fit into the limited floor space of the closet and provide me with quite a deal of extra storage space, which I desperately need at the moment.

Tomorrow I have to go to Big City Hospital for bloodwork, but I don’t need to wait around for a check-up afterwards. I’m a bit concerned because my creatinine was slightly elevated last time. Creatinine levels are directly related to kidney function, and many of the drugs I’m on right now can be toxic to the kidneys. I suspect that’s why they took me off two of the three diuretics I was on. Unhappily, in the past three days I’ve noticed my legs are starting to accumulate fluid again. This is probably related to damage to the veins from a drug they gave me six years ago, but it’s something I need to keep an eye on. I’ll admit to being very disappointed. I’d gotten used to having kneecaps and ankles again, but it looks like that may have been a temorary phenomenon.

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  1. Are the skeeters attracted to the prof’s after shave? I wonder if any of the Rx’s you are taking right now give off an odor the bugs don’t like?

    I’m a victim to those bug sucking critters too. No matter the temp you will find me wearing a long sleaved shirt most times when I’m footing it.

  2. STOP! Back away from the mess. The worst thing you can do is try to organize. Then it starts reproducing. This little pile of mess gets together with that little pile of mess and they start having a family of little piles of messes. Just sit in a corner until that tidying bug flies by. Do meditation exercises.

    I’m being obtuse for no reason. Toodles.

  3. LOL @ Mlle Whiskey’s comment!

    Seriously, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for kneecaps. Out of curiousity, what is wrong with your veins? Are the valves damaged?

    Hope you get some sleep tonight.

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