mille : a thousand.

millies milies : a thousand times.

My thousandth entry, and the best I can do is wonder why one thousand isn’t called “one million” since “mille” is Latin for “a thousand”. I tried to look up the etymology of million on Google to find out why it’s called that, but all I could find is that million means that there’s three zeros after the thousand’s place. Billion means two sets of three zeros after the thousand’s place. Trillion means three sets of three zeros after the thousand’s place. It didn’t really explain why one million doesn’t mean “1,000”.

Thousand 1,000
Million 1,000,000
Billion 1,000,000,000
Trillion 1,000,000,000,000

If this is the best I can think of to write about for my thousandth entry, I really need to get a life.

So what has happened over the past 1,000 (1.000 for you European types out there) entries?

Let’s see. In no particular order:

I got a divorce
I got a kitten
I got a new liver
I got a new car
I moved into a new apartment
I got a new stereo system
I got an emerald ring
I made a bunch of new friends
I changed diaries
I changed the look of my diary
I colored my hair
I got a professional to color my hair
I went to Nashville, Boston, Maryland, Mauch Chunk
and drove across the country to California
I complained about dirty dishes
I got a new digital camera
… and a bunch of other stuff

You know something? All of that is important, but only one thing on that list matters. I made a bunch of friends.

You know, I was going to say more, and turn this into a real retrospective. I think it’s better if I just stop here.

Thanks guys.

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