Day 15 of Death by Caroling

I suppose I’m going to have to concede at this point that carols are permitted. I’m still not sure about this 24/7 caroling. But I will at least acknowledge that a certain quota of carols can be introduced into daily existence. “Mr. Grinch” will still remain my favorite.

musical accompaniment: John Gorka, “Between Five and Seven”. Thank the deities for XPN and “Sleepy Hollow” and a volume knob that goes way, way up.

My office is in a strange little annex at the back of our building. Being this out of the way has its drawbacks, but there are perks as well. Granted, I have to take care that delivery trucks don’t run me down by the docks, and I have to walk a quarter mile to get to my department’s main offices. But I get my own private parking, an office with an exit directly to the outside, easy entrance through security because I’m one of the few non-trucks that ever come through this way, and the freedom to decorate as suits me.

This year, as in previous, I’ve again used the Saturday post-Thanksgiving to decorate my office area for the holidays. I’ve strung colored garland lights outside my office. I’ve hung my stocking, set up my little desk tree, and put the strands of little pearl beads in Forest, my ficus tree. In past years I’ve strung lights in Forest, but I don’t know if I’ll bother this year or not. I wasn’t nearly as elaborate with the lights outside this year either, but I’m hoping replacing colored lights for the white lights I always used until now will make up for that.

I want to put lights up at home along the fence of my enclosed former-garden, but the fence is still missing a slat from when the mental midgets of landscaping put in the paving stones (which, by the way, are starting to cave in again along one side of the former-garden). They’ve also yet to replace the rain gutter and spout that they removed when they put the new siding up, which has made for a real treat on some of the days we’ve had recently with heavy rain. A curtain of water forms directly over our front door at the peak of storms. I’ve noticed that I always tend to arrive home when a storm is reaching its highest fury. This has always been true, but is now a more miserable truth then previously. But I digress.

I want to put lights up at home along the fence. I may also do a “real” Christmas tree this year, if they aren’t too expensive. Since The Professor will be leaving for California without me this holiday season (I’ve run out of time off and can’t afford to take it without pay), I want to make the apartment as cheery as possible. Although, with our three little furry morons, there should always be something going on to make me laugh.

Current musical accompaniment: Susan Vega doing a live performance of “Marlena on the Wall”. Three cheers for David Dye.

There’s a guy I know through people at work who is a dowser. You who believe will have to forgive me, because although I know and like this man, and I do think he genuine believes that he has this gift, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around this whole concept. I know he’s found a few wells locally, and virtually everyone I work with believes whole-heartedly in his abilities. So I doubt and stay silent.

He’s just gotten back from a trip to Japan, where he was asked to find five time capsules that had been lost. Apparently he found four of the five capsules. This was even video taped for a Japanese television special. I’ve since learned after hearing about this trip that he’s been all over the globe, giving lectures, classes, and guest appearances on dowsing.

I still do not want to believe. I just wish I had a nice, tidy, logical reason for how he could find four out of five capsules that had been missing for a minimum of 25 years.

I am like Ambassador Mollari. Thinking about things that make no sense gives me a headache.

Current musical accompaniment: The Mavericks singing a live, acoustic version of “Dance the Night Away”

A parting shot, filled with the Spirit of Christmas Presents:

Woman knocked unconscious by trampling shoppers

Walmart offered to put a DVD player on hold for her? How freaking magnanimus of them.

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  1. I learned a new word, dowser. I know of divining rods,,,just didn’t know that the people who use them were called.

    I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that he was able to find things,,,but I don’t think the "power" used is anything God would have us tapping. So I stay away from them. Although it is interesting.

    I used to be at the door at 5AM or so for big sales the day after Thanksgiving until about 7 years ago when I was nearly trampled. It’s crazy! No bargin is worth that.

  2. Three days in the hospital for a $29 DVD player? How sad. I saw the ad myself and it was some off-brand nobody ever heard of. Ya gotta wonder how well it would even have worked. I’d say trying to save a few bucks was a pretty stupid thing, considering the cost of the three days in the hospital, not to mention the cost to her physically and emotionally. I’ll bet close crowds are a thing of the past for her. Normally I don’t support the litigous nature of our society, but in this case I think it is Wal-Mart’s duty to ensure the safety of their customers, which they clearly did NOT do. I hope she sues, and I hope she walks away with a mountain of cash.

    I hate Wal-Mart with a passion, even though I’m forced to shop there for household essentials. The animal food, household cleaning products, and paper goods that I buy would cost me an additional $20 a month, anywhere else. But it makes me sick, nonetheless.


  3. Ouch! Poor lady…all for a DVD.

    Back to your office, I expect Forest enjoyed the added attention.

    Here’s a veterinarian question…I was recently given a cage full of budgies (budgerigars to non-Australians). The previous owner said that in the last batch of eggs, identical twins hatched from one egg…is that possible?

    I know why she gave them away. They are N-O-I-S-Y *smile* but I love them

    Love and hugs from Thubten

  4. I thought just about the same thing when I read that article about the woman. I’m not sure it would be Walmarts fault or that they should do anything, but gee whiz… to put it on hold? Wow, thanks. When I get out of the hospital I’ll see if I can find a parking place.


  5. I heard about that poor lady shopper this morning over the radio. Last night I saw women actually fighting over who goes in the door first.

    *shakes head*

    I’ll never understand.

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