Tickets, snow and a Visa commercial.

sigh. Just when I get a good head of cynicism and contempt going, somebody has to come along and kick my legs out from under me. Case in point: The Minion. I believe that in a very recent entry (like maybe my last one) I had my nose out of joint because the Mouth and the Minion were one office over, talking about a big secret (that I already knew about) and coming up with ridiculous solutions to a problem that was really none of their business to begin with.

Well, I still think that situation was ridiculous, and I do wish they’d butt out of stuff that had nothing to do with them. It’s hard to stay annoyed though when one of the parties involved gets you four free tickets for the opening night of “Return of the King”. This, however, is precisely what the Minion did for me over the weekend. His son recently got a job at the local movie theater, and I’d asked if he could pick up four tickets for me when they went on sale. When the kid went to pay for my tickets, his manager told him to put the money away, and gave him the tickets instead.

OK, technically I’m not going “opening night”, since that is a midnight showing the evening before I’ll be seeing the movie. I’m not so hard-core that I’m going to see a movie at midnight just so I can be the first kid on the block to have my ticket torn in half. I’m hard-core enough though to be thrilled to get to see the first 7:40 evening playing of the film though. My friend from MIS and his wife will be coming along with The Socialist and myself, and I don’t even have to feel guilty for making Mr. MIS drive all the way out to my local theater (about a fifteen mile trip). After all, he’s getting to take advantage of the free tickets.


I don’t believe I mentioned it snowed last Friday. I’m afraid it rather traumatized The Socialist, who had only removed the chrome wheels from his beloved Matrix just the day before. The roads were treacherous in the morning, and as I commuted in to work I gave myself a nice scare by doing a bit of a sideways slide down one of the steeper hills. There was more snow on the ground when I headed home, but the traction was better, and there was less traffic, making the trip easier.

New siding has been put up on our apartment building, and the old gutter had been removed in anticipation of new gutter being installed. The snow melted from the roof of our gutterless apartment, and formed tremendous icicles that, as of this morning, were as much as three feet long. Today was warm, and I suspect by the time I get home the icicles will have shortened considerably, but I’m going to have to remember not to stand directly under the eaves as I open the front door. If one of those things lets loose, the results could be lethal.


Christmas tree from Target: $16.00
Garland lights: $24.00
Silver, gold and white balls: $14.00
Tree topper: $15.00
____________________________ _______
The resulting cat toy? Priceless.

Pictures to follow.

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  1. That was nice of The Minion. Even icky people do nice things sometimes.

    Aren’t Christmas trees the best cat toys? I remember Camilla used stand guard over it from the moment it went up until the moment it came down. The only movement from her was to try to stop Dusty from running up the middle, all the way to the top and tipping the tree over. Smoke used to knock the red satin chili pepper decorations off of the bottom third of the tree every year. I get so much enjoyment out of watching them….

    Take Care,


  2. We have our Christmas tree up. Yes, it’s fake, but it’s beautiful.

    That brings back some memories. Kimi’s and Sura’s first Christmas, when they were about nine months old, they both climbed it. And then there was the Christmas when we spotted an unusual ornament on the tree: a real, live bird that one of them had brought in and which had escaped. We opened the door and it got away unharmed.

    Our second catless Christmas looms. Please share some Tree-as-Cat-Toy pictures asap 🙂

  3. Christmas trees and cats… a match made in heck.

    i can not WAIT to see Return of the King. i’m so excited. i have no clue when i will see it though.

  4. Yep, it’s Calc. II, "Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, definite and indefinite integrals, methods of integration, improper integrals, introduction to first order differential equations."

    I may have you put The Socialist on stand-by!


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