The Amazing Mr. Ripley

was anything but “amazing”. “Stultifying” comes far closer to the truth. This was a movie that cried for resolution, not the open-ended final scene that it so artsily provided. The movie did a great job of character development, but at the end that’s all you had – a bunch of characters. Well, at least I’ve seen it and gotten that out of my system.

Adolescent Cat from Hell is definitely taking on her adult proportions. She’s going to be smaller than our other two, unless she has one major growth spurt left in her. Her legs are not quite so gangly now, although she’s still leggy and lithe. Actually, the best description for her is rippling muscle under a grey velvet pelt. She’s gorgeous, she knows it, and she uses it to her advantage.

She’s developed a “chitter” that I’ve never heard a cat use before, though I’m getting plenty of anecdotes from people who have had cats or seen cats do the same thing. When she gets ultimately frustrated, she chatters her teeth and makes a noise that is almost bird-like.

Last night The Professor was playing “red dot” with the cats, letting them chase the laster pointer dot through the apartment. The Warrior Princess displays only disdain for this game, and watches the other two with a hautiness that is almost regal in nature. Clueless Wonder used to really enjoy “red dot”, but he will not compete with the kitten for the red dot of light, and so spent most of the time looking forlorn and confused. ACfH, however, burned enough calories to get a small car from here to San Diego and back again. While she wisely refrained from tackling the red dot when it sat on WP’s chest, anywhere else it went was fair game. She made some astounding jumps up the wall in an attempt to capture the elusive glowing object, and mewed a rather pathetic protest more than once when she actually managed to pounce on her target, only to discover it refused to stay captured. The best came when The Prof aimed the pointer at the ceiling. ACfH could see the light taunting her from above, and could do nothing about it. In frustration, she flopped on her side, craned her neck around so that she could keep Red Dot in full view, and chittered at it. I thought I’d wet myself. Poor kitty – she knew she was the butt of a cruel joke, but simply couldn’t stop chittering at the uncooperative Red Dot.

On less humorous topics … The Prof told me last night that he’s seriously considering shutting down the forums he administers, due to “lack of interest”. While I can’t get him to admit it, I strongly suspect that the “lack of interest” he’s most upset about is mine. I used to participate in those forums a lot, but recent events have somewhat soured me on them. It has been my plan, in fact, to phase myself out of them as quickly/stealthily as possible. I actually have no intentions of changing that plan … I no longer wish to take responsibility for the health of The Prof’s projects. It just lays a little extra guilt on me.

Dentist appointment tomorrow. Have I mentioned recently how much I hate/loathe/despise/dread going to the dentist?

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