Oh yeah, about the interviews:

I’ve told a few of you, but for what it’s worth, if you get the request in to me by end of day tomorrow, I’ll do the interview questions for you. After that, if you want to participate, then wait until one of my interviewees posts their answers and ask them to do it. If we work this right, this could make the rounds for a while.

Meanwhile I’m on my way to a Bruce Cockburn concert.

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  1. I occasionally have the same date mix-up. I’ve gotten so that I rely on my Outlook Calendar reminders so much for EVERYTHING, that when my computer goes down or power goes out I’m totally lost.

    I also miss the mind I lost!


  2. I can’t help but chuckle at this.

    Let’s hope The Socialist is so happy that he doesn’t have to wait the extra day for the concert that it fizzles his grumpiness.

  3. Maybe a mind droid would be a good thing. A little pet-like perky droid with fur or feathers that rattled off the events of the day/week/month/decade, in a soothing voice.

    Ya think?

    If you find one, order two. I could use one.


  4. I do the same thing. Of course I forget what I’m doing as I’m doing it though. People tell me to get a date book but I forget to write things down in it.

  5. Sal,

    You know… loosing the mind and all. After a while you get used to it, like all the rest of us.

    I think mind and brain and all that, is highly overrated anyway.

    (words from a blonde)



  6. loved your comment today!

    Oh, and I meant to leave you a comment after reading your interview answers… I don’t think you need to be any smarter – you seem quite intelligent already!

  7. I want to be interviewed as well! I have to go and bug some of the people you’re interviewing since you’ve already got five persons.

    It’s consolating that you haven’t forgotten anything extremely important yet, isn’t it. *Knocks the wood*

  8. *laughs at Toverfee’s comment*

    Well, if getting my regular bloodwork done, remembering my S/O’s relatives, and having box seats to a Bruce Cockburn concert aren’t important, then I’m at a loss to figure out what is.

  9. Yikes! A lot on your plate!

    Don’t take up any time over the weekend thinking about the question I asked you last night. It was meant in fun, and I’d rather know you spent that part of your weekend relaxing after what’s been a stressful week for you and the Socialist.

  10. Yes, lipoma was the word I was looking for, for the harmless lumps my Retriever already has, has had for years. And these new lumps, they feel different.

    You’re right, I have to get her to the vet quickly.



    PS And thanks for saying you’ll interview me, can’t wait :).

  11. I’m continually messing up on appointments!

    Perhaps you could ask for a reminder call the day before. It wouldn’t hurt to ask since you have so many distractions at present – the worst they can do is say no, or is it? 🙁

  12. Appropos of nothing today, I wanted to let you know that I scored exactly the same on the Robin Hood test as you. LJ, MM, SN, RH. It appears neither of us is very fond of control freaks and opportunists!

  13. Funny you should mention chemical restraints. I had been considering Nyquil fortified with a little Jack.

    Ah, if only it weren’t illegal…

    On nights I get too desperate I dose them with melatonin, which does help. I am hoping getting them back into activities at the Y will help to tire them out too.


  14. Well, now I read that your company is not due until next week, so they are stuck in this miserable rain.

    The interview stuff sounds fun, wish I wasn’t so busy.

  15. It’s not fleabane, I looked it up.

    I planted it from sets about 3 years ago, and it’s been reseeding ever since, so I have forgotten what it’s name is…. 🙁

    If I see it at the nursery , I’ll mention it.

    But it would be whimsical and GOOD to have some fleabane in my yard. Who likes fleas???


  16. The "ck" in Cockburn desperately needs to be pronounced loudly and proudly. It would so rock!

    But I like Cockburn. He said "flying fuck", "peckerhead", "shit", and "bastard" at the concert. Plus he called Bush an idiot. He’s more foul-mouthed than a metaller!

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