Some Questions: Calichief, allimom, Jamisinc

These aren’t going nearly as quickly as I’d like. I’m ending up going through everyone’s diary to remind myself of their interests and stories, so I can ask appropriate questions. I’ve only finished three sets of questions so far, for the first three people who asked. I’ll continue writing up questions for people in the order they asked until I cover everyone.

From MoonriddenGirl’s Diary.
1 – Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 – I will respond; I’ll ask you five questions.
3 – You’ll update your journal with my five questions and your five answers.
4 – You’ll include this explanation.
5 – You’ll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
Remember to include the rules when you post your answer in your journal.

1. In your opinion, what is something that is either legal and shouldn’t be, or illegal and shouldn’t be? Why?
2. You’ve just been given $5000. You must spend all of it on yourself. How will you spend it?
3. Ability to fly, x-ray vision, telepathy or super-genius: You can select any one of these, in exchange for a year of your life. What do you choose?
4. In your diary Welcome Page you have a few paragraphs about everyone in your life, but say nothing about yourself except your age and that you have a son. If you were to add yourself to the Welcome Page, what would you say?
5. You’ve mentioned that perhaps you’d like to go to college someday. If you were offered an all expenses paid scholarship to a four-year university right now, what course of study would you take, and what kind of job would you search for after graduation?

1. Duct tape is featured heavily in your diary. If there really were a universal duct tape good for fixing up things, what three things in life would you fix with it? (Fixing the boys to a piece of furniture doesn’t count.)
2. Hugh Jackman’s agent scours the web looking for Hugh’s #1 fan so he can arrange to have her interview Hugh for a high profile magazine. He stumbles across your diary, and makes you one of the three finalists for the privilege. He asks you all to submit one question that you would ask Hugh Jackman, and he’ll decide who the winner is based on who submits the best question. What question will you ask?
3. Which comic book character is closest to you in temperament and tastes? Is this your favorite character, and why.
4. You once mentioned Clarence, the monster who lived under your bed and in your Mom’s purse. If Clarence moved into the house you were living in today, where would he hide out, and what, if anything, would you do to exorcise him?
5. Write a four-line poem commemorating something you’ve accomplished. Bonus points if it rhymes.

1. You once wrote that you usually dread having to sit through children’s movies (you were pleasantly surprised by Dr. Doolittle at the time). What is your favorite all-time children’s movie, and why is it easier for you to enjoy than other children’s movies?
2. You’ve been asked to do a guest appearance on American Idol, and invited to sing any song of your choosing. Which song will you sing, what musical instrument(s) do you want backing you up, and which professional would you pick to sing harmony with you?
3. If you were to choose a flower to represent who you are, what flower would you choose, and why?
4. Everybody has a junk drawer somewhere in the house that holds all the odds and ends that don’t quite go anywhere else in the house. Which room of the house is your “junk drawer” in, and what are some of the items in it?
5. What are your visions for yourself and your family for twenty years from now?

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  1. What great interview questions you asked. I can tell you thought hard on what to ask.

    (After I read your comment, I found two more typos I missed the first 10 times)

  2. Wow. Some of these are so hard! But some of them I could rattle off in a heartbeat. However, I’m going to take the time to REALLY think about my answers. It may take me a couple of days to post them since I will be doing some deep soul-searching on a couple of them. I don’t think anyone could have asked me any better questions than you have asked; not my mother, not my kid, not my best friend. Again, wow.


    P.S. I can only hope that I do so well if I am asked to make up questions for anyone.

  3. *horns in*

    Ability to fly, x-ray vision, telepathy or super-genius: You can select any one of these, in exchange for a year of your life. What do you choose?

    A: Flying! I’ve been dreaming about it my whole life.

  4. Those are GREAT questions!

    I have to answer the supernatural ability question: I’d choose telepathy in a heartbeat. Oh, how I’d love to read other people’s minds and I could finally figure out whether tractors are, in fact, after me and have a huge, secret conspirancy to kill me (I have seriously had a fear for tractors ALL my life).

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