Waning of the Day

Can a situation be both better and worse than you originally thought? It would appear that I’m on a new committee, formed by a top official in our company, who then promptly abandoned it to sink or swim without his assistance. We have to address certain issues, figure out how we would respond if certain things happened, and then write a plan addressing all possible exigencies, and we have to do it by next Friday (technically, by next Wednesday).

My role seems to be that as science fiction consultant. None of the likely problems we are addressing are in my area of expertise or responsibility. I am expected to come up with the unlikely scenarios that could occur in my areas of responsibility. I’m supposed to come up with a list of how things could go wrong, and then address how we would react should any of my imaginings come to pass.

I have serious doubts as to the sanity of this project. I have even more serious doubts about my own personal sanity upon the completion of this project. It would absolutely have been easier to be confronted with a list of problems and address how to deal with them (the way everyone else in the committee was approached) instead of being responsible for inventing my own problems and then solving them.

On the plus side, though, it will be a chance to practice my fiction writing skills and get paid for it.

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  1. So in comes this horse leading his jockey on a short rein halter…..Who do you speak to first, the jockey or the horse?

    What if one of them has a teapot balanced on his head?

    Geeze…. people who make up work for other people REALLY bug me!

  2. Hmmm,think, think, think…

    Someone left all the cage doors open and the entire population of assorted amimals has escaped into the air duct system…

    One suprisingly large snake has taken up resisdence in the computer of a certain top ranking company official…

    Hmmm, think, think, think…..

  3. Hope your day turned out better after work was over!

    Nothing like getting throw on a committee without warning.

    Some days are just that way, make us appreciate the good ones when they pop up.

    Have a great Wednesday.

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