
Words build a relationship with whomever encounters what another has have to say. What you write, and what you speak, is a structure every bit as much as a wall, a building, a pavement or a statue is. What you build is a reflection of who you are.

Spoken words are a mist that dissipates moments after it is created unless someone is prepared to capture them in a bottle to preserve them for a little bit or for the ages. Writing is sturdier stuff, but still is only as permanent as the medium used to write upon. Paper burns, hard drives fry, paint chips and fades with time. Regardless of medium, your words have the ability to leave a lasting footprint in someone’s mind. I am sometimes surprised by how people wish to be perceived and remembered, judging by the words they choose.

The words are important regardless of the medium used to project them. They are the building blocks that build the structure of your thoughts. They make the difference between being heard and being listened to. They are how you show the world what’s inside your head.

Want to be heard? Then paint your words in purple and pink, hang a neon sign on them, and use them to build something big, bold and garish. People will notice. Do not be surprised when somebody comes by with a bulldozer to try to tear your words down, though.

Want to be listened to? Then paint your words in subtle tones that convey your thoughts in calming and coordinated colors. Create a structure that keeps the rain and wind out, one that is both practical and tasteful. People may not necessarily like the result, but they will at least consider your words before they make up their minds, and they will have to respect the builder.

More than one good cause has died before it was ever truly born because its advocates attacked instead of cajoled, and argued instead of reasoned. To put it bluntly, they talk and do not listen. They defend (in anticipation of an attack that has not yet happened) by attacking first. They drive home their point by driving down anyone who might disagree or act in a different way. They do not read what is written, but instead see words and intent that are not there. By failing to regard the words others speak, they will never find the right words within themselves that will eventually find a common ground.

I’ve watched with interest (and some sadness) how people choose their words today. And it’s a reminder to me to be even more vigilant myself in the way I write.

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  1. "Regardless of medium, your words have the ability to leave a lasting footprint in someone’s mind…"

    They also have the ability to leave a lasting footprint in the hearer’s stomach.

    Especially when a foot has spent time in the mouth that speaks them.

    Mea culpa, mea culpa. I am so often guilty. 🙁

  2. I agree.

    If you are talking about what I think you are talking about, that’s why I backed out today. It was getting nowhere. It was just becoming more and more malicious, when I never intended to have it be that. When you try to speak for those who are not there to speak for themselves, it seems to turn on you quickly.

  3. Sal,

    I really like your entry for today. It really takes a lot of character to stop falling into other people’s drama. It ends up just spiralling out of control, and there just cant be any winners.

    I have seen it so many times. There is so much hurt spread around in words. And even when you take the words back, the damage is done, and that cannot ever be reversed. Unfortunately, so few people think, these days, before speaking.

    And I have been guilty of it too. Luckily, I have had some wonderful people help me find my way out of it.

    Some people just leave a trail of hurt.

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