Aspirus, Aspirus, Aspirus, Aspirus ….

The Socialist and I are off for a few days of well-earned recreation. I’ll be MIA for at least three days, maybe more. I anticipate coming home to three very indignant kitties, but their sitter dotes on them. Even if they are indignant, I’m not going to take it too seriously. The sitter is entranced by the fact that I’ve taught Clueless and The Grey Menace to do a few tricks, and she tends to be very generous in rewarding them for good behavior. Well, at least it lessens the guilt of abandoning them for three days.

3 Fatal Cases of Rabies Are Linked to Ill Donor Hope within risks within risks. I hope this doesn’t deter anyone from being a donor, or from becoming a recipient.

SUV takes plunge in Hawai’i Kai. I tried finding a story about this after I saw a picture on CNN that had little background to go with it. It wasn’t all that easy to find the story. A search for “car in swimming pool” turns up more instances of this sort of incident than I would have guessed. The survivors should consider forming a club or something.

In the last 48 hours I’ve had exactly twelve hits from people plugging “aspirus” into various search engines. MarketProbe continues to be the party most interested, but they hardly have the corner on the market for this search. I have no idea why this Aspirus thing amuses me as much as it does, but I’ve decided that I shouldn’t be the only one getting in on the fun though. EVERYBODY could be artificially bumping up their hits by simply throwing the word “aspirus” into their entries. It could be something subtle, like simply mentioning that you saw the word “aspirus” somewhere and wondered what it meant. Or you could be blatant, and use this as a separation between sections of your entry:


You could even put in a plug for my diary. I’d be glad to give you the cut-and-paste code for this:

<A HREF=”″ target=”_BLANK”>Visit Salamander’s diary for the true meaning of “Aspirus”. </A>

Aspirus: We were here first! The heck with a “survivors of driving a car into a swimming pool” club. Anybody want to join the Aspirus Society of Dear Diary? Automatic membership guaranteed by simply entering your user name in a comment below.

And MarketProbe: If you’re reading this, I still consider “Aspirus” to be my property. I have given permission for this copyrighted word to be used on by others who currently reside on the address. All others must ask for explicit permission before I will consider granting permission for it to be used elsewhere.

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  1. I read about the rabies thing on CNN this morning. I hope people don’t get a negative idea about donation from this. Human cases of rabies are so rare as to make it a moot point. This was strictly an anomoly. The donor was asymptomatic and diagnosed as having a brain hemorage. Under normal circumstances, there would be no need to investigate further since no wild animal bite was reported. To my knowledge, there have only been three other reported cases of human rabies in the world in the last year. I might be wrong on that, but that is my understanding.

    I hope that you and The Socialist have a wonderful weekend away. You certainly deserve it. Can I be so bold as to ask for some pictures of the weekend? I look forward to hearing about it when you get back.

    Take Care,


  2. I saw the rabies story this morning. I too hope it doesn’t detour anyone.

    The SUV in the pool: her husband was teaching her how to drive.

    You and the Professor have a good time.

  3. Requesting membership for the Aspirus Club, I want to be all cool and popular, too.

    You and The Soc. have fun on your trip! Wish I could catsit instead of that girl :P. When I had a cat (or when she had a human), I taught her to give paw. What do your cats do? I bet they burn DVDs or something.

  4. After they aired the rabies story on TV this morning, the co-anchors on the morning news show I watched wondered aloud if this would cause people not to want to donate as much. That made me scratch my head. I mean, I can imagine possibly being slightly more wary about receiving donations, but giving? I mean, you’re dead and it’s not like you’re getting the infected organ anyway, so what’s to worry about?

  5. *~Salamander~*

    Wow! I guess Aspirus really has become a hit for you, lol. Thats cool a simple, made-up word could become so popular.

    Those are some interesting stories. I think the pool one is funny as hell! Hahahaha thats so funny, omgosh, I cant believe it landed in the pool like that. That is realy cool though! Thanks for sharing!


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